As a reflection of the GOP right wing, Fox News is, for the most part, very "Caucasian." And like their fellow melanin challenged fellow political travelers, Fox News is not fond of African-Americans who assert themselves. As such, Fox sometimes finds it necessary to scold and smear these "uppity" folks such as the Rev's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Jr. And who better to provide some right wing badass screed cred and flava than *"Dr" Alveda King, the radical right wing niece of slain Civil Rights hero Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She can always be counted on to articulate right wing talking points, smear liberal blacks, and provide a shout out to her peeps in the anti-abortion movement. Such was the case on yesterday's alleged "news" program "America's Newsroom," during which Ms. King accused the above mentioned black leaders of "playing the race card" over the Trayvon Martin case. And as anticipated, she worked in a "pro-life" message with a truly bizarre comment about how Trayvon's shooting was a "late abortion". But there's some irony in her accusing others of using the "race card" as that seems to be a trump card in the Fox News deck!
Martha MacCallum began by playing video of Rev. Al Sharpton speaking, forcefully, about justice for the death of Treyvon Martin. In case the audience was asleep at the switch, the chyron framed the official Fox interpretation of comments like those of Al Sharpton: "Dr. Alveda King: Rev. Sharpton and Rev. Jackson Should "Stop Playing the Race Card." MacCallum juxtaposed Sharpton's message with Alveda King's claim that these types of comments are "riling up Americans" and "quote, playing the race card." MacCallum introduced "Dr" King who is Director of African-American Outreach for "Priests for Life" which is a group of celibate (?!) dudes who harass pray for women going into abortion clinics.
King referenced Jesse Jackson's comments about "no justice no peace" and the "power of the blood" of the murdered Emmett Till and MLK, Jr. She added that there's "power of the blood in Jesus Christ" and that "if you know Jesus, there is peace." She noted that the Martin family is grieving and they don't need a lot of anger and fear in their lives. (Perhaps "Dr" King might want to talk to the right wing sites that are trying to make Trayvon into the real villain - efforts that GOP conservative, Florida native Joe Scarborough characterizes as "beneath contempt"). She smiled as she described Martin as - ready for it - a late abortion! She admonished people to settle this not with "rage and anger" and not "by playing the race card." She quoted Mother Teresa who said "if you can abort a baby, you can kill anyone." (WTF?) Keeping race out of the picture she said that Treyvon has "joined the ranks of many who have been killed."
Keeping the possible racial element of this crime out of the picture, MacCallum quoted Juan Williams Wall Street Journal (Murdoch publication) article in which he suggests that there is no outrage about killings of African Americans over drug deals and poor schools which contribute to high unemployment rates among blacks.(Sharpton is an advocate for charter schools) Civil rights activist (just kidding) MacCallum credited Williams with rightfully asking about "daily injustices done in our inner cities that we don't often hear these people railing about." (Nice diversion?) King addressed the "daily injustices of little aborted babies" and those who suffer from poverty and AIDS. (Whom the GOP really cares about?!) She invoked her uncle by claiming that if he were alive he would want justice tempered with mercy and non-violence. She repeated that the Martin family doesn't need anger and "race baiting." (Oh, like the photo-shopped picture of a menacing Trayvon Martin, on a Michelle Malkin blog, that had to be removed because it was bogus?)
Wonder what Martin Luther King Jr. would say about his relative being utilized by a network that has no problem with Ann Coulter saying, about conservative blacks, "our blacks are so much better than their blacks," African American Jesse Lee Peterson thanking God for slavery, and Eric Bolling saying, about our first African American president, that he "hosts hoodlum in hizzouse." Dr. King once said, "We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." I guess according to Alveda King and Fox News, he was "playing the race card!"
*Alveda King has an honorary doctorate from St. Anslem's College. As such, she is as much a "Dr" as Sean Hannity, who has an honorary degree from Liberty and Steven Colbert who has an honorary degree from Knox College.
She and Fox"News" are both trading on the name and legacy of the late, great Dr. Martin Luther King and using each other to promote their own agendas. They couldn’t care less about MLK. Remember, she was just fine with Glenn Beck hijacking the 40th anniversary of her uncle’s “I Have A Dream” speech. In fact, she is estranged from the King family because she trades on her uncle’s name while pursuing an ideology which is almost diametrically opposed to what he stood for.