Fox is the mouthpiece for the GOP and patriarchal Christian right who want to take Americaback to the "good old days" when women knew their place and were happy to make cookies and lots of babies. Thus, it's not surprising that Fox & Friends,America's flagship show for old school family values, would discuss a Washington Post article in which a columnist had the audacity to criticize the "smug fecundity" of sainted GOP politicians. And who better to assist Fox & Friends them in their support for breeding patriarchal Republicans and their smear of he WAPO columnist than polymath and former "," Brad Stine, a Christian "comedian" who is also leader of a macho Christian men's group who "give thanks" to a very macho God for their testosterone. And we gals should be thankful for guys like Stine who will wean us of our evil, family destroying birth control ways in order to save heterosexual marriage and the nuclear family from evil liberals who are out to destroy the foundations of our Christian society.
Taking a page from Brent Bozell's "Newsbusters," which broke the story on March 3rd, Steve Doocy reported on Monday (3/5) that "some Republican candidates are facing criticism for having a lot of kids." He quoted some of Lisa Miller's article which talked about how GOP presidential hopefuls seem to be serious about the biblical injunction to "be fruitful and multiply." He tossed to Brad Stine who was moving his mouth in strange ways. Doocy asked Stine what Miller "has against big families." Stine began his meth-jam with a funny about how "this puts to rest this concept that as Christians we're prudes and we don't like sex." He rubbed his hands together and said "actually we do" (eww), "our dad invented it." (Huh?) The chyron combined the two Fox memes of victimized Christians and the evil, Christian hating press: "Slamming Large Families, Lisa Miller Connects Big Families to Bible."
Stine continued his comedic stylings: "What they're having difficulty with is this idea of the family as it used to be. This commitment to a man and a woman committed forever because think it's sacred and it's holy and it's beautiful." (Just ask Republicans Newt Gingrich, John Ensign, and Mark Sanford) "You see as the leftists say more condoms we're crying out more character. That's the difference between us. Big families are wonderful." He joked about how you can get a reality show if you have a big family which helps the economy. Doocy read a portion of the article in which Miller opined that smaller families are more conducive to better health and education outcomes. The chyron, "A Small 'Bias'?" was ironic given that Fox & Friends is one of the most agenda driven shows on the Fox "News" channel.
Stine claimed that the article "implies" that in these families "women are supposed to put their natural fertility in front of their brains, their independence, and their education." (Actually what she said is that there is a danger in women wanting to do this if they thingk "that's what God wants.") He added that "there are actually women here who believe that putting their brains, their independence into their children is a nice thing." While gesticulating wildly, he brayed that "liberals have a hard time grasping this that putting others in front of yourself can also be a rewarding, wonderful, and female thing to do." He accused Miller of being "disparaging." Doocy smiled as Stine continued his screed about how the left is "destroying everything we hold sacred which was the ability to have a family." (WTF? Liberals are prohibiting people from reproducing. Pretty impressive!)
Stine, I think, referenced the HHS birth control mandate in his next comment about how the left "demands that religious institutions create the ability for them to have condoms." (I quotes em as I hears em) Stine, not a constitutional scholar, claimed that it's against the First Amendment. One wonders if that was part of his prearranged script because, coincidentally, that’s what Peter Johnson Jr. keeps saying. In the real world, family planning actually benefits families; but Stine thinks "it's another attack on the nuclear family and the Christian values that we started with." He ended with this uplifting comment: "Big families, that's the way it used to be." Mr. and Mrs. Doocy shut down the baby factory at three but Doocy said he was from a family of seven.
The meme that liberal women hate stay at home moms is as old as the women’s movement and a great, big lie meant to smear women who are, in reality, promoting the idea that women have choices – and choice is a bad word for the patriarchy. Folks should be free to have as many or as few kids as they want. And once again, birth control is the crux of the issue. Birth control, which most women use, empowers women. Only in the bizarro world of the right wing and Fox News is birth control considered an "attack on the nuclear family." But remember, Fox News is where former host, John Gibson, admonished us gals to "make more babies."
When you put your trust in what some religion or its self-appointed spokesperson says, you are putting your trust in humans.
The church (any church) is not God. Churches are human institutions who rightfully should be trying to understand what God is and how humans can live in accord with what is good and right. But the key word is understand. Anyone who claims to KNOW without doubt what God wants, and claims the right to impose it on others, is delusional and dangerous.
Liberal democracy allows for debate, and swings between poles – hopefully not wild swings. Everyone gets to have their say. As a result of the democratic process, President Obama was elected with a mandate to carry out certain agendas, one of which is his (now woefully watered-down) healthcare plan. The right have been screeching about it ever since but hey, that’s democracy too. Everyone is allowed their say. And as far as the First Lady’s nutrition initiatives, I have yet to see the Eat Your Peas Patrol dragging people out of their homes in handcuffs. Americans still have the right to stuff their faces with processed, sugar-laden crap – and abuse their children by feeding them the same.
(Just as an aside – recently I heard two women in the supermarket bitching about how their kids’ school has imposed healthy lunch rules. Both women had pasty skin and must have weighed at least 200 pounds.)
If you are really concerned about losing your freedoms (and I would be interested to know exactly which freedoms you have lost, in real life, not in theory, since Obama was elected) you should be fighting the corporate takeover of elections and government, as illustrated by the GOP-supported Citizens United decision which now confers on corporations the right to spend unlimited cash on getting their puppets into office. THAT is what will ultimately undermine democracy in this country.
“The Christian values we started with” do not include any mention of a “nuclear family”.
The nuclear family actually marked the end of large broods for Americans.
The Right Wing – updating the Bible & Christs’ word with every passing minute.
These morons are floating in a world without morals or foundation – they are drugged on psychotic experiences.