“General” Bill O’Reilly discussed his commands for defeating ISIS with Fox News’ Juan Williams last night. Watch how O’Reilly started to seethe after Williams pointed out that Obama has already had plenty of success in that department.
As I previously posted, chickenhawk O’Reilly didn’t let a little thing like never having served in the military stop him from issuing his marching orders for President Obama for dealing with ISIS. As I also noted, the real strategy seems to be using ISIS the same way he used Ebola – as an excuse to whip up fear and fury in his viewers and then aim it straight at Obama.
Near the end of the discussion, that strategy was threatened with the following comment from Williams:
WILLIAMS: It was about a month ago that we all thought, “Oh, ISIS is so strong, they’re going to take over… Kobani. They’re going to go into Baghdad, they’re taking control of oil fields.” Have you all noticed that under President Obama’s policy, they’ve been stopped? Have you noticed this?
O’Reilly replied, “There’s a difference between being stopped and being defeated.” Yes, but in his commentary that immediately preceded this discussion, O’Reilly had just announced that ISIS is “a direct threat to all Americans” and that President Obama was not protecting us.
But, clearly, O’Reilly knew he was in danger of being foiled. “We need to send a message to the world,” O’Reilly began shouting. He never explained why the message we’re already sending isn’t good enough. However, he seemed to grow more agitated – and more inflammatory about President Obama - as if he were the real villain: “This is America! We don’t let our citizens be beheaded on camera!”
Then, without a trace of irony or awareness of how unintentionally comical he looked, O’Reilly continued, shouting even louder, “Now, we don’t overreact! It’s surgical strikes! But if they know where they are in Syria, I’m gettin’ em!”
Sure he is.
Unfortunately, Williams never addressed the ridiculousness of O’Reilly pretending to be a military expert – and then attacking the real Commander-in-Chief for not going along with the armchair strategy. However, you can tell by the reaction Williams got by just partially going there that a full-out confrontation on the snow job would have really sent O’Reilly over the edge.
But that’s not Williams’ role on Fox and he surely knows it.
Watch it below, from last night's The O'Reilly Factor.