In his opening commentary last night, Carlson feigned concern over the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton but they served as little more than a vehicle for his inflammatory and violent rhetoric.
Carlson mostly substituted Democrats for his usual white nationalist hate mongering – while disingenuously professing support for national unity. But despite the El Paso shooter's evident white nationalism, Carlson played the white racial victim:
CARLSON: In the wake of two horrifying mass shootings, they've [the left] been telling us the president is a hater. "He is using race to divide us," they scream. "It's wrong." Well, they are right about the second part, it's definitely wrong.
They are using race to divide us. That's a core tenet of the left. Identity politics is the process of dividing people on the basis of immutable characteristics, factors they can't control. And that's what the Democratic Party is at this point. It's an identity politics party.
They promise some Americans reparations, they denounce others for their skin color. They call it "privilege." The entire country, they'll tell you is fundamentally racist and therefore evil.
After calling Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Cory Booker and former El Paso Rep. Beto O’Rourke “buffoons” and “dumb,” Carlson called their rhetoric “sinister” and “damaging.”
CARLSON: So they're buffoons. Yes, they are. They're dumb. Of course. Do they have no idea what they're really saying? Probably not. But that doesn't make the cumulative effect any less sinister or damaging.
There was no concern for Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric nor, predictably, the rhetoric on Fox News, including Carlson’s own, that just happens to mirror that of white supremacists.
Carlson continued with his hate screed and even brought back the right-wing chestnut of Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters “deplorables.” As if Carlson hadn’t just spent the last five minutes painting Democrats as worse than that.
CARLSON: So yes, these people are buffoons, and it's our fault, sometimes, if we're being honest, including this show for highlighting what buffoons they are, because by doing that, we underplay how dangerous their rhetoric is.
Our democratic system only works when citizens are free to disagree, free to say to their neighbors, "We're on separate pages. We vote for separate people," and not be afraid to say that. But the left is making us afraid to say that.
Of course, when Carlson talks about being “afraid to say” what he thinks, he really means “we’re” afraid to voice our bigotry and white nationalism. Because Carlson never hesitates to demonize those he disagrees with, as he also proved here.
See how Carlson used tragedy to sow more hate and divisiveness below, from the August 6, 2019 Tucker Carlson Tonight. Don’t forget: nobody hates America more than Fox News and Donald Trump.