Leave it to Tucker Carlson to use the occasion of Sen. Elizabeth Warren giving up her presidential campaign not to show any class but to make a racist joke among sexist sneers and jeers.
Carlson’s gratuitous hatemongering began with his announcement that Warren was “finally” dropping out of the race, “having succeeded only in humiliating herself.” Then he quoted a satire site called The Babylon Bee saying “Warren returns to tribe in shame after failing to take land back from the pale faces.”
“You could imagine how disappointed the Cherokees were,” Carlson “quipped” afterward.
Carlson spat out the word “sexism” as he attacked Warren for blaming that for her loss, accusing her of not having learned anything. Instead of what, Tuck? That it was grown-up white assholes making middle-school-level Native American jokes about her?
“There will be many more lectures on sexism to come from Professor Warren. Buy your tickets now. The hall is certain to be packed,” Carlson sneered.
Carlson also accused Warren of having made up her claim that Bernie Sanders told her a woman couldn’t win the presidency. In fact, CNN, The New York Times and other outlets confirmed her accusation. Carlson offered no source for his accusation.
Carlson briefly turned to praising Warren’s intelligence and accomplishments. ”Fake Indian affirmative action employee aside,” he called her “the smartest candidate in the Democratic field.” But the lower-third banner expressed shock and disrespectfully referred to her as "Liz."
Still, this was overgrown fratboy and white nationalist hero Carlson here. He said she was “derailed” from her serious work and became “infected with a virulent strain of identity politics.” He added, “By the end, like tertiary syphilis, it drove her insane.” A graphic behind him read, “Rest in Woke” with a gravestone marked “Warren,”
Predictably, we got video clips of Warren's “insanity,” including one in which she talked about racism in health care. “Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard of health care racism,” Carlson mocked.. Apparently, this trust-fund-baby knows nothing about the racial disparity in maternal mortality risks, e.g.
From there, Carlson descended into an attack on Warren’s stance on immigration. “You watched her speeches hoping that men with nets would spring from the shadows to carry her off to a secure facility somewhere for a much-needed rest," Carlson said contemptuously. "Unfortunately, it never happened,”
“Most of the time she appeared to be floridly enraged, like she might lunge forward and bite someone,” Carlson continued.
He concluded his analysis of Warren’s downfall by playing armchair psychologist. “Identity politics is always just a form of narcissisim,” “Dr.” Carlson concluded.
You can watch Carlson’s classlessness below, from the March 5, 2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Come the revolution…