After a massive backlash over his attack on women in the military, Tucker Carlson added race baiting to his misogyny as he melted down like an adolescent snowflake who always blames someone else for his own mistakes.
Carlson’s March 9 attack on the military
The ever-malicious Carlson probably thought he had a great gotcha against President Biden after he honored International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8. From Media Matters' clip from the March 9, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight:
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: [W]e are making good progress designing body armor that fits women properly, tailoring combat uniforms for women, creating maternity flight suits, updating requirements for their hairstyles. And some of it is going to take, you know, an intensity of purpose and mission to really change the culture and habits that cause women to leave the military.
CARLSON: So we've got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits. Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It's a mockery of the U.S. Military. While China's military becomes more masculine as it's assembled the world's largest navy, our military needs to become as Joe Biden says more feminine, whatever feminine means anymore since men and women no longer exist. The bottom line is it's out of control, and the Pentagon is going along with this.
Carlson hit with a huge backlash from the military
Unfortunately, for Carlson this bombed with the military. Top men in the armed forces blasted him for his ignorance and sexism, as I wrote for Crooks and Liars. Combat vet and Purple Heart recipient Sen. Tammy Duckworth had some choice words, too. Even the official U.S. Army Twitter account pushed back.
The Army's official Twitter account has a message for Tucker Carlson
— Dave Brown (@dave_brown24) March 11, 2021
Carlson tries to justify his unjustifiable remarks about pregnant women soldiers
CARLSON: We’re pro-pregnancy, as we often say. We’re also open-minded. Maybe pregnant women make the best pilots. The Department of Defense measures everything so there’s got to be extensive research on this question. If the Pentagon can show that pregnant pilots are the best, we will be the first to demand an entire Air Force of pregnant pilots. The problem is, we’re pretty confident that Joe Biden hasn’t asked to see those numbers.
Well, obviously, neither has Carlson. But it’s not a question of whether pregnant women make the “best pilots.” It’s a question of whether they are good enough to serve as pilots, period. It speaks volumes that chickenhawk Carlson didn’t seem to think of it.
Carlson continued whining. He accused Biden of weakening our military but was apparently too lazy to provide any proof beyond thoughts off the top of his head.
CARLSON: The rest of us depend on the U.S. military to protect our families and protect the country, itself, but Joe Biden doesn’t see it that way. Finding the most effective military pilots or infantry offices or SEAL teams is not his priority, it’s not even close to his priority. Identity politics is Joe Biden’s priority. It’s all that matters.
Biden’s son served in Iraq. How many of Carlson’s kids served? I’ll bet none.
Carlson suggested Secretary of Defense Austin was only chosen because he’s Black and is pushing his Black ideology on the troops
Apparently, Carlson can’t go a single show without playing the race card.
CARLSON: Joe Biden has put a man called Lloyd Austin in charge of the Pentagon. Biden picked Austin from the cynical world of private equity, but you’re not supposed to notice that. You’re supposed to notice only that Lloyd Austin is Black. The real headline, however, is that Lloyd Austin is the second defense secretary in a row to have been on the payroll of Raytheon, the massive defense contractor.
He also accused Austin of having “abused” the troops by making them “submit to a kind of political purity test.”
Carlson plays the victim while doubling down on smearing the military and Austin
Instead of just admitting he had made a mistake, Carlson whined like a spoiled brat. A spoiled brat who never spent a day serving his country, I might add.
CARLSON: Today, the Department of Defense launched a large and coordinated public relations offensive against this show. Pentagon brass issued hostile statements, people in uniform sent out videos on social media. The DOD even issued a news release attacking us. …
We suspect this is one war they might actually win. They’ve got a manpower advantage. We could play you a lot of tape from this today. It took up most of their day and we could marvel over it.
Since when does the Pentagon declare war on a domestic news operation? I can’t remember that ever happening. … This is bigger than a feud with some flack at the Pentagon. This is genuinely worrisome. The Department of Defense has never been more aggressively or openly political.
Tonight, there are 2500 American troops stationed in Afghanistan and they remain there to prevent the fall of Kabul to extremists. At the same time, there are 5,000 troops in our own capital tonight, also as protection against extremists, meaning people who voted for the losing candidate in the last election. [No, the troops are protecting against the violent people who voted for the losing candidate.]
Judging by those numbers, the Pentagon is now twice as focused on controlling our own citizens as it is on controlling the Taliban.
Meanwhile, as Lloyd Austin hyperventilates about white supremacy, there are real threats out there and the biggest ones continue to be ignored. … The main threat that we face – and everyone who is honest knows this – is the government of China. …
Can the U.S. military still win a real war? Those are the questions that matter. Those are the only questions that matter, which may be why Joe Biden wants to talk about maternity flight suits.
No, Tucker, you were the one who wanted to talk about maternity flight suits. Biden was talking about accommodations being made for women, on International Women’s Day.
You, on the other hand, got caught in a lie and now you can’t handle the consequences.
Carlson's belligerent cowardice can be seen below. First, is his attack on the military, from the March 9, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight. Underneath is his whining after receiving blowback, from the March 11, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight.