Crybaby Donald Trump is not happy that Arnon Mishkin, the guy responsible for calling Arizona for Joe Biden in the last presidential election, will return to Fox’s decision desk for the 2022 and 2024 elections.
The Daily Beast caught Newsmax host John Bachman talking to Trump on Saturday night. As reporter Justin Baragona noted, Bachman brought up Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott confirming last week that Mishkin would return. Not brought up by Bachman but also noted by TDB, “Fox 'purged' politics editor Chris Stirewalt—one of the public faces of the desk—earlier this year in what Fox described as a restructure.”
Bachman set up Trump to rip competitor Fox by promoting the Big Lie and “asking,” “Fox has just hired this Mishkin guy back from the decision desk, the guy who botched the call during the election. He also backed Obama and Hillary I’m told. Why did you think they hired him back?”
Trump, of course, took the bait and compounded the Big Lie.
TRUMP: I think it’s terrible that they hired him back. He made a terrible call, it was a terrible thing to do. When you look at the numbers that came out and the findings from the [Arizona “audit”] report, and I’m going to be reading them tonight. I’m reading them from the report. When you look at those numbers, we won Arizona by a lot, we won other states by a lot. It was a rigged election. I think it’s a disgrace that they hired him back. But that’s the way it is, not like it used to be.
FACT CHECK: the so-called audit of Arizona’s election results confirmed the official results, as well as two previous official audits, meaning that Mishkin’s call was correct, Joe Biden won the election in that state.
But will Fox hosts undermine the results again if the decision desk doesn’t go their way again?
You can watch Trump and Bachman undermine democracy below, via Raw Story.