Donald Trump Jr. said it out loud on Fox & Friends this morning: If Joe Biden wins, Black people will be taking over your nice, white neighborhoods, America!
Trump Jr. visited the show to promote his new book and to trash former Vice President Joe Biden. Cohost Jedediah Bila said, “sounds like a great book.” She then asked for Junior’s reaction to Biden blaming Trump for inner city violence.
“I think it’s pretty ridiculous,” Trump said. “They watched the DNC, you know, that never ending I-hate-America Zoom call for one week and not one person, not one, over the hundreds of people that they had speaking there, all Democrats, even mentioned it. Now, the day after, CNN, Andrew Cuomo [that’s Chris, Don] and Don Lemon start saying you know it’s hurting these guys, they got to do something, that’s when Joe decides to come out of his basement for a few seconds. He saw his shadow, he’s going back in.”
Trump Jr. continued, “Is he going to run the country from the basement if he wins? Because that seems to be the strategy. So, this notion that Democrat cities that are being destroyed, with Democrat mayors and Democrat governors and Democrat city councils, run by Democrats and destroyed by Democrats in some cases for 100 years is somehow magically Donald Trump’s fault is asinine.”
He kept going: “At this point, there’s basically tacit acceptance from the left about what’s going on in this country, and I honestly don’t think that law-abiding citizens, people who are working hard to try to live their American dream, I don’t think that they’re buying it.”
FACT CHECK: Polls show people are buying it, as of now.
Instead of challenging Trump Jr.’s poll lie, cohost Brian Kilmeade prodded him to attack New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Don, I know it must really bother you, you’re sitting there at work and you see the mayor and his wife spray painting on the street across from Trump Tower ‘Black Lives Matter’ as if there’s nothing else to do in this city,” Kilmeade said. “If that wasn’t outrageous enough, he goes, does Mayor De Blasio, couldn’t do Blue Lives Matter by the way, the Mayor went out and let everybody know how he views the economy and his view on wealth.” After a clip of de Blasio, Kilmeade asked, “What country does he uh, does he live in?”
“America, but if you didn’t know any better you’d think it was Venezuela or Cuba or all of those other failed socialist states,” Jr. said.
That brought him back to Biden. “That sort of thing is actually part of Joe Biden’s plan. Joe Biden’s the ideal liberal to run right now because the media will spend billions of dollars selling to middle America that Joe Biden’s a moderate, but if you look at his platform, it’s exactly what Bill De Blasio’s talking about.”
And just in case anyone missed the point, Trump Jr. explicitly accused Biden of giving away everything white America worked hard for and holds dear to slacking, undeserving people of color. And then Biden will let them invade their suburbs:
TRUMP JR.: The American public, we’re going to tax them. Middle class, four trillion dollars to give free health care to illegals, free lawyers to illegals, free education, now you have the privilege of paying for that. … They want to integrate the suburbs into the big cities so all of the failed policies of these major American cities, again, we can spread that to the suburbs. We’ll eliminate single family housing, we can take all of the wealth that you’ve accumulated and saved in some cases for decades and we’re going to redistribute it all over the place. … That is literally Joe Biden’s plan.
FACT CHECK: Experts say most new taxes would be paid by the top 1%.
Bila asked a softball about Junior’s book: “Why did you write it and what can people look forward to reading in there?”
That brought on another round of attacks on Biden and Democrats.
Trump Jr. also attacked the media for having “refused to do their stated job.”
TRUMP: How about his health? The media won’t report that Joe Biden has had two brain aneurisms, explosions in his brain that required brain surgery, and when he forgets where he is 50% of the time, there’s no problem. … He’s just not there. … You’re not a moderate with Kamala Harris as your VP, with the most liberal record. You’re not a moderate with Beto “Hell, yeah, I’ll take your AR-15” O’Rourke as you gun czar, and again you’re certainly not a moderate when you use Bernie Sanders’ platform to tax the middle class four trillion and other radical proposals.
FACT CHECK: Biden’s brain aneurysms were in 1988. Politico did its job and spoke with the surgeon, Dr. Neal Kassell. He said Biden suffered no brain damage and that there is none now.
The ones who did not do their jobs were the Fox lapdogs posing as news hosts. Not only did none of them correct the Biden health smear, Kilmeade said, “Yeah” and “right” while Trump Jr. spoke.
And, of course, none of them mentioned concerns about Daddy Trump’s health.
You can watch the propaganda-fest below, from the September 1, 2020 Fox & Friends.
Repeat this over and over again when you write your editorials, go on tv and radio shows, and podcasts.