Hooray, it's Friday afternoon! And as you pop open that beer can, allow your humble servant to regale you with a selection of what the Fox Nation has been posting in the last few days.
Lefties in Hollywood… Alec Baldwin puts out out this tweet: “You wanna go back? To Bush? Cheney? Paulson? Rumsfeld? Unfunded wars? Death of U.S. soldiers and innocent civilians for oil? You wanna go back to lying thieves in the White House who make war under false pretenses in order to make $ for their friends?”
Lefties in the Schools…. A public elementary school in Manhattan will soon require students to study Arabic. The principal said it would help the school obtain a prestigious International Baccalaureate standing. “Arabic has been identified as a critical-need language,” said a spokesperson. “It means they can spin the globe and decide where they want to work and live.” Of course, righties don’t like this spinning-the-globe stuff. Here’s one comment: “’International Baccalaureate’ is code for the methods used by some socialist educators to brainwash students into believing they should become "Global Citizens",,,,, IMHO our public schools should be teaching our students how to become productive Americans who can function well in the world.” (Don’t see much difference, myself.)
Lefties diddling the polls… Remember a Politico poll that showed a huge drop in Rush Limbaugh’s ratings after the Sandra Fluke incident (like a 31% drop in Houston/Galveston; 35% in Jacksonville; 40% in Seattle/Tacoma)? Well, the poll was fixed, says that oh-so reliable information source, breitbart.com. The so-called drop was actually a levelling-off following a spike in listeners in March, says breitbart, and besides Politico is a hotbed of left-wing activists so what else can you expect? (breitbart's not denying there’s been a drop, though; guess Rush couldn’t manage to keep his “spike” audience interested enough to hang around.)
And of course, lefty global warming zealots! Canada’s O’Reilly wannabee, the obnoxious Ezra Levant, rants semi-coherently about all the lefty professors and journalists and bureaucrats who make big money out of global warming and demonize you if you don't believe in it. Whoever manages to get all the way through this video wins a year’s free air conditioning. (Sorry – just kidding.)
Not to mention Cubans … Fidel Castro’s niece, Mariela Castro, who’s been visiting the US, says she would vote for Obama because of his support for same-sex marriage and loosening US-Cuba travel restrictions. “I think he’s sincere and speaks from the heart,” she said. To Fox Nation, of course, it figures that one Commie would admire another.
And now for something completely different: SEX. Bill Clinton smiles as he’s “engulfed” by porn stars at a gala. Well, he’s posing with one on either side of him; I don’t see any engulfing going on, myself.
May you be engulfed by pleasurable things this weekend, gentle reader!