There's nothing I love more (politically speaking) than a feisty liberal standing up to and demolishing right-wing attacks. It's even more delicious if the feisty liberal is standing up to a right-wing bully like Sean Hannity. In a discussion last week (3/9/12), Hannity hosted Fox News contributor and former student of Derrick Bell, Sally Kohn, to defend President Obama in Hannity's "race tape." The video has been widely ridiculed but Hannity is sticking to his racial guns that Obama's warm introduction of a tenured Harvard Law professor and a hug in 1990 proves that Obama shares what Hannity describes as Bell's anti-white radicalism. Kohn demolished every bit of Hannity's argument as "much ado about hugging" and finished him off by saying, “You and I have hugged, that doesn’t mean we agree on everything!"
It would have been even better had Kohn confronted Hannity with the kinds of people he associates with - including sitting on the advisory board of a charity run by a guy who thanks God for slavery and compares slave ships to flying coach ("a tough ride but you're happy when you get to your destination").
Hannity said he might have Kohn back this week to continue the discussion.
Video available at Mediaite.
“Everyone” = the voices in Dereka’s head
Amen, Sally.
Hell — if Obama simply hugging Bell 22 years ago makes him an “anti-white radical”, what does GW Bush hugging and holding hands with a Saudi Prince make him?
The video was a bomb. Michael Savage, of all people, said the video “fell flat.” Tell that to Hannocchio’s audience.
Hannocchio has bigger problems to deal with now that advertisers are abandoning him. The masses also will learn about Hannocchio’s dark side.
2012 will be a very bad year for conservatives and their mouthpieces.
Coming down the pipe:
Someone from Hannocchio’s past exposes his dark side.
With your past, a video of what you’ve done would be a hit on the internet.