Count Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera as one of the many underwhelmed about Sean Hannity’s “exposé” into President Obama’s hug of Professor Derrick Bell 22 years ago via a post-mortem video clip from Andrew Breitbart. Rivera said that while Bell had some “far out theories,” it was “unfair” and “a sign of desperation” to try to turn him into a 2012 election version of Jeremiah Wright.
“There is so much to concentrate on Barack Obama’s record domestically that to go off on a hug of a black professor in the context of law school…” Rivera said to Bill O’Reilly last night on The O’Reilly Factor.
O’Reilly insisted that “There’s more to it” than that and, as if swallowing Hannity’s Kool-Aid, told Rivera that Bell is “anti white.”
Rivera wouldn’t buy that either. He said, “To try to make Derrick Bell’s shoes fit Barack Obama is extremely unfair. To junk him in, Derrick Bell in, with Jeremiah Wright, I think is also unfair. And furthermore, quickly, I think this is a sign of desperation that they seize on an old video clip like this which is very benign.”
Finally, after giving it the old college try, O’Reilly admitted, “It’s not getting much traction.”
“It’s not getting much traction and rightfully so,” Rivera said.
This Long Island uppity is grabbing at straws, doing whatever he can to stop Obama. It won’t work because we are on to this Franklin Square street hustler.
Let’s talk about your radical friends.
It’s just a sign of how desperate the right wing is getting, now that they can see that the primary races are not having the results they want.