Ruh-Roh! Rupert Murdoch is not happy with Mitt Romney and he's tweeting about it!
Murdoch tweeted yesterday:
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Janet Tuhey commented
2012-06-26 04:18:32 -0400
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Mittens has become the 2012 version of putting lipstick on a pig.
Joseph West commented
2012-06-26 02:21:02 -0400
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Okay, exactly what has Mittens done recently that he didn’t do during that farce of a GOP primary campaign? I mean, Rupert was promoting the shizznit out of Mittens for months (even the other GOPer “Not-Ready-for-the-Presidency” Players were able to tell that Mittens was Rupert’s choice; some even said so—on the network itself) and Mittens never looked “like a challenger.” Mittens feels it’s his “turn” and since he avoids any REAL networks (even though most of those “reporters” won’t hardball him any more than FoxNoise).
But the simple reality is that Mittens has never shown any real “fight.” Hell, he barely squeaked out his win to be Massachusetts’ Governor (he only won 49.77% of the vote, and that was running as a “Massachusetts Republican”).
But the simple reality is that Mittens has never shown any real “fight.” Hell, he barely squeaked out his win to be Massachusetts’ Governor (he only won 49.77% of the vote, and that was running as a “Massachusetts Republican”).
Aria Prescott commented
2012-06-25 21:51:37 -0400
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Tell us again how it’s the left that’s running scared in America, Rupert. I dare you.
mj - the same one commented
2012-06-25 20:38:56 -0400
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Sorry, Rupie — you, Ailes, and the Kochsucker Brothers made your bed with this guy; now you’re gonna have to lie in it . . .