News Corporation chief Rupert Murdoch took to the Twitter-sphere today to tweet out a dubious defense of his New York Post's false identification of the Boston bombing suspects. After receiving criticism for having published a photo of a high school track runner as the bomb suspect, Murdoch claimed that the information had come from the FBI. OK, fine. But then Murdoch made the ridiculous claim that once the FBI "changed direction," the pics were "instantly withdrawn." But as many of the retweeters pointed out, there's no way to "instantly withdraw" thousands of papers in print. (H/T Eric J.)
From Mediaite:
News Corp. headRupert Murdoch delivered a seriously belated defense of his New York Post‘s controversial Boston Marathon bombings coverage early Saturday morning, saying succinctly on Twitter, “All NYPost pics were those distributed by FBI. And instantly withdrawn when FBI changed directions.”
...No one expected the New York Post to offer a sincere and heartfelt apology, but Murdoch’s halfhearted defense was clearly unsatisfying, so really, why did he bother?
All NYPost pics were those distributed by FBI.And instantly withdrawn when FBI changed directions.
— Rupert Murdoch(@rupertmurdoch) April 20, 2013
Newsflash for those people… no one was happy with CNN, either. But as much as CNN phucked up, they have a legacy on this story past “We hope it’s a Muslim, so we can get a pass on calling for an Inquisition!”
Fox News will always be the top name in pissing people off. Nothing will rob them of that when they’re coming in third.
I think the FBI and other authorities had to lay down the riot act to the journalists, too many of whom were spewing out speculation in hope of getting the scoop. They had become a danger to themselves and – what’s worse – to the public.
Nothing else can explain CNN’s complete turnaround from four days of frantic rumor-mongering to refreshingly responsable journalism during the man hunt.
I’m actually unhappy, though, because that tells me they have the capacity but not the will to be credible journalists.
But as many of the retweeters pointed out, there’s no way to “instantly withdraw” thousands of papers in print.
I bribe politicians, police and hack phones and so far the Pope hasn’t slapped my wrist. What’s the problem?
It ain’t.
Although I have to admit that their reporting during the manhunt in Boston was very good. I guess the FBI read them the riot act after they’d jumped the gun earlier.
My point: when they want to, they can be very very good. I doubt that the same can be said of FoxNews.
A few month’s ago, Rupert Murdoch gave a compliment to CNN president Jeff Zucker by saying that CNN has ‘sharpened up in the last couple of months’. Given the fact that CNN recently ran a chyron that read: ‘War On Religion’, Wolf Blitzer’s obsessive use of words “Ground Zero Mosque” and “Fiscal Cliff” , then got rid of Soledad O’Brien and then added on a new evening show with Erin Burnett, who seems to have an unhealthy fascination with Ted Nugent by having him on her show not once, but twice, one could see how Murdoch would approve of such things, as they are taken right out of Roger Ailes’ playbook of shoddy journalism.
There was a study done recently published by Psychology Today that shows that conservatives relied more on a part of the brain that is thought to be associated with the body’s fear-based fight-or-flight system, while liberals use the part of the brain that is associated with self-awareness.
This would explain conservatives preference to watching Fox (besides the obvious reason of being told what they WANT to hear), but it may also explain how CNN is going to go about ways of increasing their audience share: by scaring people….
Cable news in this country is disgraceful. The 24 hour news cycle needs to be filled with something other than endless ads for Viagra and Vagisil. And most of it is shit…..
It’s all about making money and getting the ratings for higher advertising revenue. It’s only the bottom line. If it help sell more newspapers that day, then that’s want matters to him. Is any one really surprised by this?
But it also answers the question of which people really are that stupid, when they left evidence that they’ll believe anything he says. (Hint: It rhymes is Donny Jollar, BewsNusters, and Nox Fation.)