Apparently, having a television "news" network that operates as the communications arm of the Republican Party is not enough for Rupert Murdoch. He issued his own direct orders to New Jersey's Republican Governor Chris Christie last night via Twitter.
Christie, you may recall went off script this week when he praised President Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy. Which doesn't exactly go with the Fox News/GOP meme of turning the superstorm into Katrina. Yet none of the right-wing backlash seems to have budged Christie one inch off his position.
Well, now Rupert Murdoch has stepped in to try to tell Christie who's boss. Murdoch tweeted:
That's right, Murdoch is suggesting Romney will lose if Christie doesn't "re-declare" for him.
And what if Christie disobeys? Will Murdoch hack into his phone?
As far as Rupert goes, why is this human pile of excrement still not rotting in a jail cell over the NOTW scandal?
Not just that — on his next appearance on Fox, Christie will be branded with the “scarlet letter”: (D)
Canada sends 435 workers to help US restore power
A – Because he’s your boss.
So is Christie now on Rupert’s Payroll?
Murdoch made a big mistake with his Kneel before Zod attitude. Now if the Governor does exactly as told he’ll only look weak. That’s not going to happen now.
The trio on the couch were shocked, I tell you, shocked at such language.
Until Christie committed the deadly sin of praising the President, the foxy trio were amused by his earthy language. Filed under “double standard”.