Sean Hannity’s phony-baloney Hanctimony couldn’t have been more obvious last night as he suggested President Obama was ignoring Sandy victims in order to campaign for re-election. But the one really ignoring the victims was Hannity. He didn’t do a single interview with a single reporter or official who could speak with authority on the status of the clean up, the victims or any other facts of a news story he supposedly found so important. Instead, he chose Rudy Giuliani for a session of partisan finger-pointing.
Hannity said, “With the horrifying images of Sandy’s devastation now contrasted with the president’s constant campaigning, this is starting to look like, in my opinion, Obama’s Katrina.”
Well, maybe in Hannity’s opinion – and let’s not forget Hannity’s shocking lack of concern for Katrina victims that caused his colleague Shepard Smith to famously chide him on the air – but Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Republican-turned-Independent New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg have praised Obama's response. But what would they know?
As Giuliani shook his head in dismay, Hannity grandstanded about power not coming back on in New York “by some estimates, until November 11 or beyond.” Yet, Hannity couldn’t be bothered to grill a single Con Ed spokesman or even offer up time to a reporter who could explain to any of his suffering viewers what’s taking so long. Why? Because he was too busy using the sufferings of others for his own political purposes:
The president, he goes for his photo op, he’s gone. There’s no help coming in here at all.
Well, that’s not true, but why would a guy like Hannity worry about little details like facts when there’s less than a week to go before Election Day?
Hannity even had the unmitigated gall to sneer that President Obama “didn’t come to New York at all.” But Mr. Concerned forgot to point out that Mayor Bloomberg asked Obama not to come because it would take resources away from the clean-up effort.
For his part, Giuliani used the segment to attack President Obama’s energy policies, environmentalists and to advocate for nuclear power.
And then Hannity moved on to attacking President Obama over Benghazi.
Oh, by the way... New York’s Governor Cuomo tweeted today that Con Edison thinks they can restore power to lower Manhattan today.
Bemused whips speculating hat off head and cries: Could they be todayâs version of âSpectreâ?
Hahaha, Yes they could be!
The constant references to Katrina may be aimed at rehabilitating the performance of GWB but I’m struck by how the foxies are wont to urge a “wait-and-see” attitude because Bush learned about how bad things were only after several days. Weird to hear that considering that the same “wait-and-see” invitations by the likes of Condolezza Rice, General Hayden, and General Keane were completely ignored.
It is quite possible (Bemused puts on speculating hat) that Fox News may have an agenda not related to the USA. In fact, all three experts are republicans.
Bemused whips speculating hat off head and cries: Could they be today’s version of “Spectre”?
In any case, there is no way that most of the money for an event scheduled to take place in a few days time can be diverted to emergency relief: it’s already been spent. The money allocated for post-event operations (taking stuff down and clearing away) will probably be used for cleaning up but I’m not expecting the foxies to say anything about that.
I have Hannity on right now and he’s sounding like last night’s show. If it’s not a re-airing of the last show, we’re in for a lot of fun because even the foxy faithful won’t be able to ignore reality.
(Bemused aka Pollyanna).
Wait, John Stossel and The Five are both already there.
And, in doing so, FINALLY admits Dumbya F’d up the Katrina response.
Congratulations, Sean.
What that creep is doing is encourage each and every one of the 60-odd million people affected by Sandy to feel discriminated against. It’s rabble-rousing of the most dispicable kind.
PS: Bloomberg might perhaps have been better advised to postpone the marathon but I know for a fact that the foxies would have been against that, too. They have absolutely got to do everything in their power to stop their faithful congregation from thinking even for a moment.
White couple swimming with garbage bag full of food taken from store headlined:
Black couple swimming with garbage bag full of food taken from store headlined:
Can’t get more fair & balanced than that …