Robin Leach, of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous fame, visited Fox & Friends yesterday to complain that there are “so few” rich people left in America that he wouldn’t be able to do his show any more. And guess which president and his “socialist” policies are to blame?
In reality, the wealthy are doing better than ever in the United States. But either everyone on the Curvy Couch developed a severe case of amnesia or they were being deliberately disingenuous and dishonest.
Leach said about his old "Rich and Famous" show, “Couldn’t do this show any more today. There’s so few of ‘em left.”
“Who do you blame?” Steve Doocy asked, as if he wouldn’t have guessed like the rest of us.
“I think the zip code is 2008,” Leach said, to appreciative chuckles. (The real White House zip code is 20500.)
“Hey, wait, that’s the White House.” Brian Kilmeade said, as though he had just come up with a clever guess. Kilmeade later asked, “Are people embarrassed to be rich now, to have a nice car and a beautiful house?”
Leach replied, “In America, yes. Around the rest of the world, no.”
Elisabeth Hasselbeck chimed in. “There was certainly shame built into even the last election with Mitt Romney. He was shamed for being good with money. Shamed for making it.” This from the woman who just shamed poor people for having air conditioning and television.
“Tragic what happened with that man,” Leach said. “You think of this mess that Sebelius has with the Obamacare at the moment which even the Democrats are turning on their own.” Then he shouted, “FINALLY, THANK GOODNESS!”
Leach continued, “Could you imagine Mitt Romney? …There wouldn’t have been a computer problem because people would’ve been fired left, right and center. Which is what you do when you have inefficiency and people that screw up their work.”
Leach also smeared Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) with language that would surely be worth an entire segment of FNC outrage had Rangel said the same thing about any Republican. Leach said, “His team of people are trying to bring down the country.”
According to Leach, America now reminds him of Britain before “Maggie Thatcher.” He said, “I came to America in ‘63 and the unions have basically taken over the country and were running it into the ground under the same set of beautiful speeches that we hear now. Everywhere that socialism has played out, as you know, in the world, be it South America - ”
“Has failed,” Kilmeade helpfully filled in.
“And it’s bound to fail,” Leach added. “It’s a system that cannot work. Community based, the polite word for communism. Socialism is the one word up from communism, but it still means the same thing. It means it’s a dictator who is enforcing his or her rule of law on the rest of the country, and you take away free enterprise and you saddle government regulations on top of everybody, and you stifle people’s creativity, people’s enthusiasm, people’s initiative. Because if you have a nanny state that says we’re going to take care of everything for you from free phones to free health care to free everything, why bother to work?”
Hasselbeck used the opportunity to take another stab at the poor. “And why hand over everything to someone who doesn’t have any money?” she “asked.”
Doocy said, “That’s why the Tea Party, the faction in the Republican party, is fighting to change something about Obamacare, to do something about long term debt.” Then showing his own biased view, Doocy “asked,” Leach, “What do you make of those Tea Party patriots?”
“I think they’re patriots,” Leach agreed. “I don’t think of them at all as rebels.”
Nothing like turning to the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous guy to talk about politics, right?