New York’s former Republican governor, George Pataki, blamed Donald Trump for Lee Zeldin’s loss this week as well as the 2020 presidential election and the Georgia runoffs that gave Democrats control of the U.S. Senate.
Pataki's appearance seems to be part of the Murdoch effort to be rid of the Trumpenstein they have only themselves to blame for creating. Pataki certainly gave it his best shot on Fox News’ Your World show yesterday.
Pataki was ostensibly there to talk about New York’s election results but there’s little doubt he planned to go after Trump. Host Neil Cavuto all but encouraged it.
Speaking of Republican Zeldin’s loss to Gov. Kathy Hochul, Pataki said “the votes just weren’t there” for Zeldin and “this wasn’t the same as 1994” when Pataki defeated Mario Cuomo.
Pataki blamed “a lot of the reason” for Zeldin’s loss on “the presence of Donald Trump.” He said, “I can’t tell you the number of people who came up to me and said, ‘You know I don’t like the way things are. I’d like to vote for Zeldin, but I can’t vote for someone who has been so close to Donald Trump,’ and I think that was a huge factor in the result of this election.”
On Trump possibly announcing a third presidential run, Pataki said “I think he should go away. I’m being perfectly honest here. I mean, I think he lost us the election in 2020. How do you lose to Joe Biden? I don’t mean to be hypercritical but here’s a guy who was in the basement, who people had grave doubts about, and he lost.
“Then he goes and loses us the two Senate races in Georgia by claiming that Georgians shouldn’t vote because the system is rigged,” Pataki continued. “I know in New York, Hochul’s campaign ran ads every day linking Zeldin to Trump, and that hurt him a great deal.”
Republicans have a “tremendous opportunity going forward,” Pataki claimed, and “Donald Trump should not be a part of that. He has hurt the party to date, and if he decides to run and gets out there, I hope Ron DeSantis, to be perfectly honest, runs against him and I think he would blow him away.”
Cavuto said nothing to defend Trump. Instead, he hinted at wanting more from Pataki: “The former president said it would be an act of disloyalty for any other Republican to do that if he were running. What do you think?”
Cavuto got more. “The president considers it an act of disloyalty if anybody doesn’t think he’s the best thing since sliced bread, and that’s part of the problem,” Pataki replied. “It’s always about Trump, it’s not about the country. If Trump was concerned about the country, he’d welcome a challenge from his own party and say the person with the best ideas, the best record should win, but no, it’s always about him.”
“I just wish he would ride off into the sunset,” Pataki added.
The Murdochs undoubtedly agree with Pataki and they have for a while. On Thursday, the Murdochs’ New York Post parodied an old nursery rhyme and called Trump “Trumpty Dumpty” on its front page. The headline read, “Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall – can all the GOP’s men put the party back together again?” The Murdochs’ Wall Street Journal ran an editorial headlined, “Trump is the Republican Party’s Biggest Loser.”
However, as Ellen noted, just because the Murdochs and some Republicans want Trump gone, that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
You can watch the latest effort below, from the November 10, 2022 Your World.
It’s amply clear that polling is no longer (was it ever, truly?) a valid basis for predicting election results, perhaps because there are far too many pollsters and many are not actually interested in objective truth. T’was once said that MAGA republicans were reluctant to respond but I wonder? Might the reason not be anger at the constant attack by pollsters on America’s land lines? Folks I know simply hang up and many have cancelled their land line accounts.
I’ve bought several packets of popcorn for the upcoming battle for the soul of the GOP.