Chickenhawk Lou Dobbs’ attack on “snowflake” generals – on July 4th no less – was the well-deserved winner of our last Outrageous Fox Quote Of The Week Poll. You can check out the full poll results here. But don’t stay away because we’ve got another full plate of Fox outrageousness waiting for you after the jump.
The nominees for this week’s poll are:
Melissa Francis, suggesting that Donald Trump’s mass deportations will make legal immigrants feel safer.
People come to this country because we have the rule of law and they’re fleeing other places where they don’t feel safe because the rule of law has broken down. So maybe, Carley [Shimkus, cohost], one of the worst things we can do for people who want to come here to be safe is to sacrifice our own system of laws. Then no one’s safe.
Lawrence Jones, blaming the Obama administration for Jeffrey Epstein’s sweetheart deal brokered by Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta and Alan Dershowitz during the Bush administration:
Well, this was in 2008 under a Democratic administration.
is the left trying to rewrite American history and, specifically, America’s Christian roots?
lhan Omar has an awful lot to be grateful for, but she isn't grateful. Not at all. After everything America has done for Omar and for her family, she hates this country more than ever.
Omar isn't disappointed in America, she's enraged by it. Virtually every public statement she makes accuses Americans of bigotry and racism. This is an immoral country, she says. She has undisguised contempt for the United States and for its people. That should worry you, and not just because Omar is now a sitting member of Congress.
Ilhan Omar is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country.
No country can import large numbers of people who hate it and expect to survive. The Romans were the last to try that with predictable results.
So be grateful for Ilhan Omar, annoying as she is. She's a living fire alarm, a warning to the rest of us we better change our immigration system immediately. Or else.
Donald Luskin, ecstatic over the fact the 25% of Americans can’t afford to retire:
What a great country where we have the opportunity to keep working! What a miracle where our lives are long enough and we're healthy enough and mentally alert enough so that we don't have to retire like generations before us! This is a great blessing. You should embrace it!
Anna Kooiman, claiming not to understand why Democrats are objecting to a citizenship question on the 2020 census.
What are they talking about? How is this racially and politically motivated?
Jedediah Bila, gushing over Trump’s tweet suggesting that the four American congresswomen of color known as “the Squad” “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came” (three of them were born in the U.S.):
Someone’s feeling very comedic today.
Cast your ballot below. The poll will remain open until 11:59 PM ET on July 21, 2019.
May the worst quote win!
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