Most of the outrageousness on Fox News last week had to do with multiple allegations of sexual harassment and racial discrimination against Bill O’Reilly and Fox News. But we caught a few quotes worthy of consideration.
The nominees this week are:
Harris Faulkner, attacking her Democratic colleague for justifying the filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch partly because the Republicans blocked Obama’s nominee for the same seat:
“That’s the kind of idea that ... years of counseling might not undo. That is a serious amount of ‘I can’t get over you!’ I mean are you talking ex-boyfriend-style if you’re comparing this to personal life?”
Retired General Jack Keane on how the world will view Donald Trump after launching missile strikes at Syria:
"But I think when they look at him, they see a strong, decisive leader who has had success in leadership and he sort of does what he says."
Sen. Lindsey Graham discussing Trump's Syria strike:
“I’m proud of President Trump”
Howard Kurtz, suggesting the Bill O’Reilly sexual harassment scandal is Roger Ailes’ fault:
"The network has been trying to move on, to change the culture and to make clear that any kind of harassment is unacceptable. Most of these allegations date from the Roger Ailes era but the echoes of that era are still making news."
While you’re mulling over the options, let’s recognize Fox host Eric Bolling as the winner of last week’s Outrageous Fox Quote of the Week poll. Bolling’s winning quote gave Trump a report card and a grade of “A.” You can check out that poll and its full results here.
But don't forget to cast your vote below!