Never mind that Donald Trump has actually bragged about sexually assaulting women. Nor that four of his more recent accusers were at the Women’s March on Washington this weekend. Fox News – which did its darnedest to ignore any significance of the massive protests – was willing to spend plenty of time dismissing the groundswell of opposition to Trump as a failure.
There to help with the pro-Trump messaging was Fox contributor Alveda King, the Trump-supporting conservative niece of Martin Luther King who conveniently helps Fox promote itself and Trump as pro-African American and pro-women (despite much evidence to the contrary).
Cohost Clayton Morris started the discussion with a vintage-Fox leading question. “It seems like the message may have been muddied by some of the celebrities that took to the podium,” he opined. “Do you think that it missed its mark?”
Surprise! King thought so. She called the Women’s March a “missed opportunity.” She said, “It’s a little bit sad because some of the messages of the women” were legitimate. She pointed to equity in pay and violence against women as examples.
Nobody asked her why, then, she supports a guy who has boasted about grabbing women by the genitals.
“Those messages were missed,” King claimed, because the marchers “just don’t like” Trump.
She continued suggesting that the more than a million women who turned out were just crazed Trump haters instead of people with valid concerns over his policies.
KING: You know, Mr. Trump has beautiful women in his family. They’re brilliant and beautiful. That’s a double bonus. And so he – he loves women, he works with women and I think that the ladies are missing an opportunity to get the important messages out.
Cohost Pete Hegseth jumped at the chance to again promote the Fox lie that “some pro-life groups wanted to take part in the rally and were not allowed.”
The virulently pro-life King disproved that by saying, “Some of my sisters were there.”
But she soon came back on Fox message:
KING: If you push out the pro-life message, who’s going to represent those little girls who are being aborted? I mean, I don’t understand why, if it’s a real sisterhood, how they could leave out the little babies in the womb, the mothers who’ve been hurt by abortion.
“You’re so right about that,” cohost Abby Huntsman agreed. Then she segued into supporting Sean Spicer’s illegitimate, dangerous and disingenuous attack on the media over a mistaken report (quickly corrected) that a bust of Martin Luther King had been removed from the Oval Office. “What did you make of that whole thing?” Huntsman prodded, I mean asked.
“Let’s not feel like we’re lumped in with all of that,” King replied, meaning the rest of the media.
Oh, don’t worry, we won’t.
Watch the Trump Friends try to delegitimize the Women’s march below, from the January 22, 2017 Fox & Friends.
These kinds of statements irritate me so much?
Any woman abuser will publicly demonstrate his great prowess with women & then in private continue his abuse