Bill O’Reilly’s election sour grapes are getting even more sour, if last night’s Talking Points segment was any guide. He dropped most of the racial connotations and shot his arsenal at the “secular progressives” who, according to him, are “bent on destroying America.” And if only Mitt Romney had done a better job of appealing to the social conservatism of Latinos, we wouldn’t have President Obama, the poster child for the SP movement which, as O’Reilly described it, means more welfare, welfare queens, addiction and abortion.
You may recall that on Election Day, O’Reilly lamented the loss of “traditional America.” Last night, O’Reilly said he believes it can come back, “but it will take a very special person to make that happen.”
But the picture is certainly gloomy for Bill with President Obama in the White House. According to O’Reilly, Obama won via the “entitlement vote.” How did he know? Because 62% of Americans earning less than $30,000 a year voted for Obama vs. 35% for Romney. “Left-wing ideology did not win the day for Barack Obama, big spending on federal programs did. That’s the key,” he insisted.
O’Reilly claimed this dispelled the media “myth” that “liberal ideology was confirmed by this election.” Secularism, on the other hand, “is certainly eroding traditional power.” Americans who attend religious services at least once a week voted for Romney 59/39. But, said O’Reilly, churchgoing is on the decline and the result is that Catholics supported Obama 50%-48%. Yup, that’s despite all of Fox News’ best efforts to paint Obama as waging war on Catholics, shoving birth control down their throats and pretending that Sandra Fluke was advocating promiscuity on the government dime. Well, we know that it’s the fault of secularism, according to O’Reilly because now only about 30% of Catholics attend weekly Mass. “So you can see the impact of creeping secularism on the religious vote,” he added.
If only Mitt Romney had waged a good cultural war and tried to “marginalize” secularism! O’Reilly went on to “prove” that secularism/progressivism is not good for America via “three vivid examples.” Actually, I counted four.
1. “Secular progressives champion a ‘do you own thing’ philosophy. No judgments about personal behavior are allowed in that arena. The public school system has adopted that philosophy and that’s now wreaking havoc on American society.”
2. “In 2010, 41% of all births were to unmarried women, up from 33% in 2000.” Babies born to unwed mothers “drive poverty,” O’Reilly said, and “American minority groups are the most affected.” He cited one of his favorite statistics: 73% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. “Rather than trying to reverse that, secular progressives want more entitlement spending. Nothing about changing libertine attitudes.”
3. “On the abortion front, same thing. Rather than trying to discourage taking the lives of millions of fetuses, the SP’s have created a mythical war on women… Should America be a country where potential human life – an undeniable fact after conception – is terminated for convenience? …Is that the kind of country we want? And the federal government’s going to demand that citizens who oppose abortion pay for it?”
Yes, Bill, it will. Just like the federal government demands that those of us who oppose war – which ends actual life, not potential life – pay for it.
4. O’Reilly blasted the legalization of marijuana. “The SP’s, they don’t care about addicition. They don’t want limitations on so-called private behavior.”
O'Reilly summed up his SP-dominated vision of the next four years:
Want to smoke drugs? Fine. Want to abort a fetus? We’ll drive you to the clinic. Want to have a kid when you’re 16? No problem at all. We’ll support you.
If Mitt Romney spelled that out – what the secular progressive movment is really all about? In strong, vivid terms and how President Obama enables that? Romney would not have lost 71% of the Hispanic vote, I can tell ya.
I believe the majority of Americans can be persuaded that the far left is a dangerous outfit, bent on destroying traditional America and replacing it with a social free-fire zone that drives dependency and poverty.
Bill, I gotta tell you. It sounds like you don’t much like or respect those folks you say you’re looking out for. 62 million or 51% of Americans voted for President Obama last week. If you think they're all a bunch of brainwashed fools or worse maybe it's time to reconsider your mission statement.
1. Republicans
2. In 2010, 41% of all births were to unmarried women, up from 33% in 2000. Babies born to unwed mothers ‘drive poverty. That’s why republicans want a total ban on affordable birth control. (hunh?)
3. On the abortion front, I can’t say it better than Ellen did: “Yes, Bill, it will. Just like the federal government demands that those of us who oppose war â which ends actual life, not potential life â pay for it.”
4. On the legalization of marijuana, Bill’s position with regard to the need for limitations on “so-called private behavior” contradicts his usual emphasis on keeping government out of people’s lives, including the lifting of all regulations on business and financial tycoons.
Bill is not coherent. But then, his job is to rouse the rabble not to provide facts and informed opinion.
As Ted Koppel said during his interview with Bill a couple of months ago (paraphrasing): “I remember a time when both of us felt that journalism was a calling.” (there’s a thread somewhere on this blog but I don’t know how to search for it).
What’s wrong with Vatican Rule?! Give me one objection! The Pope speaks for me!!
Lookin’ good!
Keep it up!
Luv you!
Limiting education, limiting personal freedom, attacking women (especially single women who tape my phone calls), continuing the war on drugs and supporting America spreading freedom by enforcing solid conservative ideas of Empire! That’s Fux Noize! If people want to be American they have to be MY KIND of American. We at Fux Noize have done our level best to enforce our standards and Rupert has even given advise to governors during the last election cycle! Wake up America! It’s time to get on our bandwagon! I rest my case, for the moment! Oh, and one more thing, like I said in the run up to the Iraq war – SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! Fux will tell you what’s what!
Perhaps this song will cheer them up…
You’re right, BillO.
It was “lefties” like Mitt Romney who suggested that funding FEMA was “immoral.”
It was “lefties” like Todd Akin who said rape was “legitimate.”
It was “lefties” like Paul Ryan who proposed a national budget that unfairly targets the poor and the elderly.
It was “lefties” like the Koch Brothers who spent millions of dollars trying to subvert the democratic process.
It was “lefties” like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove who started two preemptive wars that cost the lives of 4000+ US servicepersons and put the US in it’s worst depression in 70 years.
It was “lefties” like Mitch McConnell who decided that making Obama “a one-term president” was a higher priority than passing legislation.
It was “lefties” like Sarah Palin who advised right-wingers, “don’t retreat — reload!” just prior to the Tucson shooting.
Wait, I’m sorry — none of the people above were “lefties” . . . they’re a bunch of over privileged, racist, assholes unable to comprehend reality outside their rightwing induced bubble . . . like you . . .