It's not only Fox "opinion" that is aiding and abetting the talking points of the US Catholic Bishops who are outraged about the contraception employer mandate from the Obama administration. Official Fox "news" has also taken up the cause of those men who feel that religious liberty trumps women's health and are speaking out against the rule that requires all employer health care plans to provide free birth control. Yesterday, "straight news" anchor, Martha MacCallum provided a pulpit for Fox house priest, Fr. Jonathan Morris, to speak out against the ruling in a video titled "White House's Holy War?" Yesterday, "straight news" anchor Megyn Kelly provided yet another opportunity for Fox to assist the Catholic bishops in their jihad against American women with her panel of three men who oppose the rule. The title of the video provides the Fox News message, "Holy War Over Health Care Law." So "fair & balanced!"
She opened with commentary about how the bishops are "denouncing" the Obama administration about the health care contraception policy. She played commentary from WH press secretary Jay Carney followed by part of her interview with the bellowing Bill Donohue of the Catholic League in which he talked about how the Obama policy is a "war" on Catholics. Her panel hardly fit the definition of "fair & balanced" as it consisted of Fox host and legal counsel for the NY Catholic archdiocese, Peter Johnson Jr.; Catholic priest, Father Gerald Murray; and Rabbi Aryeh Spero - all three in opposition to this policy.
Kelly reported the backstory including how priests are speaking out against this in church. She asked the rabbi if this affects more than Catholics. Obviously, this is an attempt to suggest that the Jews are supporting the Catholics on this. However, only Orthodox Jews are in agreement. Other Jews support the policy which isn't surprising given that a huge majority of American Jews are pro-choice. (Spero, BTW, is allied with radical Christians and Islamophobes who oppose an Israeli two state solution. Spero has also claimed that Obama is engaging in ethnic cleansing in Israel. His "Caucus for America" espouses radical right wing views) Spero talked about religious liberty and how while the Catholics are now under assault, this persecution will spread to other faith communities.
Fr. Gerald Murray, pastor and close friend of former abortionist turned anti-choice activist Bernard Nathanson, said this is "outrageous" and flies in the face of religious liberty. Johnson reiterated what he has said on all the Fox & Friends pieces in support of the bishops; i.e. that it's unconstitutional. He provided only Catholic dogma when he described the policy as mandating that Catholic hospitals distribute abortion pills. (Other faith communities have no problem with Plan B but you don't see them on Fox!) Kelly mentioned that 98% of Catholic women use birth control but Murray said that their religion isn't based on votes. She did ask about a line that government could draw to protect the rights of the masses despite religious teachings. Spero claimed that this "alerts" us to the dangers of nationalization of programs." (Israel has a well run universal health care system).
Kelly asked if this will hurt Obama with Catholics, who, according to Kelly, are "angry." Johnson reiterated his same old, same old commentary about how there's no "compelling government interest" to elevate women's rights (Kelly mentioned those evil harridans at NOW and Planned Parenthood) over "conscience." To her question of whether Obama is violating his pledge to respect conscience, Murray said yes. Spero ranted about the evils of socialism vis-a-vis the churches. Johnson predicted "a new era of civil disobedience."
So can we assume that Megyn Kelly will interview the president of NOW, Cecile Richards, and a lawyer who was part of a number of lawsuits involving contraceptive equality and the Catholic Church? How bout reps from faith communities who have thanked Obama for the policy. I'm not holding my breath!
Still trying to get the authority-authoritiarian hierarchical religion rationale, but it isn’t rational. Just can’t figure out why the pope has a special line to God.
I prefer Thomas Jefferson’s take on the whole thing.
Funny, these Fox “News” frauds never talk about children being abused by these sick priests. Like the catholic church officials, the Fox “News” frauds will cover it up.
So we can expect even more choir boys to be violated?
Don’t kid yourselves. Many of the clergy anywhere have sold their souls. You see them on Fox all the time.