Bill O’Reilly announced last night that a new Fox News poll showed President Obama with a 9-point lead over Mitt Romney. Bill O’Reilly, apparently stunned at the results, came up with an, uh, interesting explanation. It’s because so many Americans are on welfare.
As an introduction to his “Lou’s the Boss” segment with Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs, O’Reilly announced, “More than 100 million Americans are now receiving some kind of welfare other than Social Security or Medicare and that includes 36% of immigrant households, both legal and illegal. The highest group: Mexicans, 57% are on welfare – as opposed to immigrants from Great Britain. Just 6% of that group get payments from the feds.”
And in the spirit of “fairness and balance” I’m sure, O’Reilly trotted out virulent Hispanic-basher, Lou Dobbs.
O’Reilly (with Dobbs’ agreement) said that the statistics were so high because of “people who are gaming the system under the encouragement of the liberal Democratic Party which is tellin’ em, ‘You’re a sap if you don’t get this. Come on, go get that!’”
“Let’s talk about motivation,” O’Reilly continued. “Here’s what’s going on. A new Fox News poll just out a couple hours ago… registered voters, not likely voters, registered voters 49% Obama, 40% Romney. A 9-point gap! …Now, included in that 49% have to be almost everybody getting welfare payments because Romney’s saying he’s gonna do away with all that!
Dobbs concurred again, but he said it’s not good for Romney because “we are an expansively dependent society right now… It’s because of the policies that Obama has put in place… He has blown open the doors of the federal trough in a way that no president in history before him has ever done.”
O’Reilly, apparently focused like a laser beam on smearing Democrats as welfare queens, asked, “Calculated to keep the Democrats in power or a sincere desire to help poor folks?” He demanded Dobbs choose “which one it is.”
Dobbs gave the obviously preferred answer. “I think it’s close enough to election day to say that maybe that’s a primary motivation.”
If the Supreme Court had gone all the way and granted full rights of citizenship to corporations in the wake of Citizens United, that polling data would be quite incorrect. That group of “welfare queens” would be responsible for Romney’s having a 20 or 30 point lead over Obama.
God he is tiresome along with his ass kissing cronies.