Time magazine reached out to Bill O'Reilly for his response to the announcement that Stephen Colbert will replace David Letterman as host of CBS' Late Show. It was actually pretty funny,
I'd expected O'Reilly's head to explode. It was just a few days ago that he accused Colbert of being a dangerous mouthpiece for the breakdown of society. Or something like that. So last night, I eagerly awaited O'Reilly's reaction to the news but heard nothing on his show.
But he did speak to Time:
In a statement to TIME, here’s what O’Reilly had to say about the Late Show news: “I hope Colbert will consider me for the Ed McMahon spot.”
Touché, Bill. I have to admit the guy has a good sense of humor sometimes.
Maybe the news that Colbert will be dropping his O'Reilly-based persona on the Late Show helped brighten the real O'Reilly's mood.
I’ll miss the O’Reilly character but I’m hoping the “new” Colbert will have the same punch and bite.
Billy, like Putin lover Hannocchio, are at the end of the line at Fox “News.” Billy is playing nice so Colbert can invite him on the show, especially for future book promotions. Get the idea!
If the Fox “News” suits were smart they would end Billy’s misery…uh…contract and let him chase his dreams of appearing on other networks.
Apologies to Colbert and you might get your wish.
That has absolutely brightened BOR’s mood on the news (despite the fact that Colbert will be reaching a larger audience). Yeah, Colbert will no longer playing a role that showcased BOR at his most ridiculous/hypocritical worst. But (hopefully) Colbert could still pull out a few good ones here and there on his new show that will make BOR squirm (or head explode). :-]
Now if someone would just please tell/twitter Karl Rove (ahem, Ham Rove) that the anger management issues that he thinks CBS should get Colbert help for are, in reality, BOR’s anger management issues. Funny how no one that I heard on FOX “news” this morning would dare mention that Colbert has been satirizing BOR all these years. Once Rove is made aware of this, then maybe he can help his buddy, BOR, get the professional counseling that he needs. LOL!