Dennis Miller visited The O'Reilly Factor for his regular Wednesday night gig last night. At about two minutes in, after smearing the Occupy Movement, their attention turned to "the chick running against Scott Brown," Elizabeth Warren.
Of course, Warren is the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. I wonder what Miller would say if some Democratic guest referred to Sarah Palin as "the chick who ran for Vice President."
But Miller wasn't done. He went on to say, "By the way, she also said she's Native American and Liz Warren is an Indian in the same way that the Indian who accepted Brando's Oscar was Sacajawea."
O'Reilly noted that on her resume, Warren had said she's Native American on her resume "because she was born in Oklahoma." As Miller collapsed into peals of laughter, O'Reilly said, "That turns out not to be true." O'Reilly couldn't keep from laughing, himself, as he added, "So now she's in trouble."
"And her name is Spreading Bull!" Miller quipped, still unable to stop laughing.
In fact, Warren called herself Native American not because she was born in Oklahoma but because she has some Native blood in her. Her great great great grandmother listed herself as Cherokee.