Newt Gingrich visited the Hannity show last night where he predictably spewed venom against President Obama. But Gingrich outdid himself when he repeatedly suggested that Obama is a traitor who “appeases” our enemies - such as Iran and the Taliban - and double-crosses our allies and troops.
Both Hannity and Gingrich have been lusting for war against Iran for years – though neither has ever suited up in a military uniform. But each not only seems downright eager for a new war, they’re ready to smear anyone less eager – especially if that person is a Democrat in the White House.
Hannity cited Leon Panetta’s recently-stated concern that Israel may attack Iran – almost certainly knowing that Gingrich would launch his own chickenhawk attack on Obama.
“It tells you a lot about what’s wrong with this administration. Instead of worrying about the Iranians getting a nuclear weapon, they’re worried about our ally. It strikes me that we ought to be helping our ally and making sure that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon.”
Gingrich accused the Obama administration of “living in a fantasyland” at that point. But he was just gathering steam for his full-bore, armchair chest-beating.
“The great threat in the Middle East is not Israel, it’s Iran. The great problem in Afghanistan is the Taliban and yet you have an administration which is apparently gonna release a number of Taliban terrorists… as a faith-building measure. These guys must be breaking up laughing… If I were a young American serving in Afghanistan, and I thought that I had a Commander in Chief who was currying favor with the people trying to kill me, I would find that very, very upsetting.
“…I think you have a pro-Islamist faction in the administration that is on every front trying to appease people who are our enemies… The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical group… I think the problem we face among our elites (this from the guy who has a six-figure line of credit at Tiffany) is that the threats to us are so big that they don’t want to think about them because it would change their whole life. And so they want to find some way to appease those who would threaten us.
“…It’s beyond timid. When the Iranians were trying to block the Straits of Hormuz... practicing, to prove they could do it, which was very provocative, the administration’s reaction was to cancel a scheduled military exercise in Israel so as not to provoke the Iranians.
“…This is a guy who in ideology and performance is wrong… He’s against American jobs. He’s against American energy. He’s putting people on food stamps, he’s for appeasing our enemies, he’s for cutting our defense system, he’s for throwing money at every employee union he can find, so if you’re a public employee union, Barack Obama’s your friend, if you’re a taxpayer, he wants your money to give away to his political allies… This is a radical left machine politician from Chicago trying to figure out a way to build an American machine, modeled on the Chicago machine, for the purpose of getting to a Saul Alinsky kind of radicalism.”
Rather than object to this kind of inflammatory rhetoric – which would surely bring on a full-bore attack of GOP Special Victimhood if any Democrat spoke that way about a Republican in the White House – Hannity gave a grunt of approval.
You’re right, Newton.
Just ask Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak, Osama bin Laden, and Mummar Khaddafi . . .
All the “Bush Patriotism” in the world doesn’t change the fact that you’re not even smart or strategic enough to beat Mormon Mittens. What makes you think you can beat Obama or be a war president that can resolve a major middle east conflict?
Thanks, I just did.
Of course twice divorced, confirmed liar NeuTard is on the DOD’s & Mossad’s Must Know List so Sean can believe everything he spews.