Neil Cavuto took Fox’s love for corporate America to new highs (or lows) as he complained that politicians – who just happen to be Democratic – should be just as concerned about lower gas prices as they were about higher ones.
A few days ago, an article in The Economist explained how lower oil prices help the economies of the U.S. and its allies while hurting such countries as Iran and Russia. But Cavuto acted as though Democrats should be just as concerned about the lower prices now as they were about the higher ones.
In yesterday’s “Common Sense” commentary, Cavuto played clips of high-profile Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, complaining about the high price of oil in years past. Then Cavuto set about trying to paint them as hypocrites for not complaining now.
CAVUTO: Where are the hearings? Why isn’t someone dragging these no-good, greedy oil guys to Washington to explain this curious crumbling in gas prices? Someone must be manipulating all this right? I mean, you don’t go from $4 gas to under $3 gas in less than a year and say, ‘Well, oil’s well.’ Not on these politicians watch right?
…Don’t you find it a little odd that the same bunch that said the oil industry manipulated prices when they were going up aren’t saying boo now that they’re coming down?
…After all, if the oil guys were so fixated on fixing things, they’d find a way – well, to get out of the fix they’re in now. But they can’t do that right now, can they? …And now a lot of them are in trouble, aren’t they? And a lot of oil drillers who can’t afford to drill are in even bigger trouble, aren’t they? What about those jobs? Who’s looking out for those folks? Who’s demanding hearings into their sudden plight? Where is their commission? Where is their kangaroo court? Who will be their head on a stick? Who will make a cause out of them? And needlessly create and knock down a straw man on behalf of them? Surely the fair and balanced politicians who last year at this time were making villains out of them will do that. Surely, it works both ways right? No, not right.
On Fox News, corporations are not just people, they are better than people. Especially when they can be used to help smear Democrats.
Watch it below.