The Kelly File jumped on the news that Democrats have pulled money for television advertising for U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky. But even after Fox’s Trace Gallagher completed his reporting, “straight news anchor” Megyn Kelly jumped in to take her own digs at Grimes.
Gallagher did note that Democrats are using their money for get-out-the-vote efforts rather than television. But he also made a point of highlighting Grimes’ faux pas of refusing to say whether or not she voted for President Obama.
Gallagher said, “Of course, Grimes getting plenty of attention for refusing to say whether she voted for President Obama and now her refusal to reveal her vote has become fodder even at the White House press briefing.”
Well, guess who made it fodder at the briefing? Why, it was none other than Fox News’ own Ed Henry! Footage rolled of Henry asking White House spokesman Josh Earnest, “What does it say that a Democratic senate candidate like Alison Grimes won’t say whether or not she even voted for the president?”
Of course, Earnest had nothing useful to say on the subject. “I don’t know. I’ll tell you that I voted for the president,” he quipped.
But Henry almost certainly didn’t ask the question to see what Earnest would say. He asked it so that it could be played (and probably replayed) on Fox and thereby continue to cast a spotlight on one of Grimes’ lesser moments.
Gallagher continued on the theme: “Grimes says she won’t disclose her vote because she has the right to a secret ballot and during the one and only Kentucky senate debate, she doubled down – by criticizing President Obama and calling herself a “Clinton Democrat.” Then, noting that Clinton is coming to campaign for her, he gratuitously added, “If… Clinton’s visit provides a boost, it will come on the heels of what many consider a severe setback.”
OK, you can argue that Grimes got what she had coming from such a boneheaded move. She’ll get no sympathy from me for weaseling away from her own record as a voting delegate at the Democratic convention in 2008 and 2012 - and then pretending she was standing on principle.
But “straight news anchor” Megyn Kelly didn’t look so impartial when she made her own, deliberately contemptuous remarks about Grimes: “That’s the thing. That she used to disclose her votes with no problem, ” Kelly said with a derisive chuckle. She continued with obvious disapproval, “When she voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary in ’08, that was fine. She was OK with that. But this – suddenly, she no longer does it. She believes she doesn’t have to.” Kelly didn't bother to hide the scorn in her voice.
Watch the bias below.