Those free speech rights that Megyn Kelly so passionately defended on behalf of white extremist Pamela Geller have been tossed under the bus in favor of “what’s appropriate” for #BlackLivesMatter protesters in Chicago.
In case you’ve forgotten, Islamophobic extremist Pamela Geller – whose “draw the prophet” contest deliberately endangered Americans – was compared to Martin Luther King by guest Alan Dershowitz on The Kelly File. Instead of challenging that ridiculous analogy, Kelly announced, “In America, we stand for liberty and freedom to offend, to provoke, to persuade and to defy.” On another show, Kelly said to guest Richard Fowler about Geller's stunt, “The more offensive the speech is Richard, the more protection it needs. That is how the First Amendment works.”
Kelly forgot to mention that she has quite a different standard for black protesters. During her show’s coverage of peaceful Chicago protests over the shooting death of African American teen Laquan McDonald, which broke out Tuesday after white police officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with first-degree murder, Kelly interrupted a panel discussion to complain about one African American protester staring into the face of a white cop.
Transcript and video below via Media Matters:
MEGYN KELLY (HOST): I just want to jump in as we’re seeing an extraordinary moment. Look what’s happening here.
BERNARD KERIK: Listen, you’re going to have guys like this. You know they want to instigate, they want to create a—
RICHARD FOWLER: What is he instigating? Bernie, I’m sorry I’ve got to interrupt.
KELLY: But Richard look at him. This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace.
FOWLER: This guy is having a silent protest with this police officer. This is his first amendment right.
KELLY: He gets right in his face and stares him down? This cop hasn’t done anything wrong.
FOWLER: That is his first amendment right, Megyn.
KELLY: To get in a cops face and stare him down?
FOWLER: And you out of all people, Megyn, believe in protecting—this is his first amendment right. I don’t understand.
KELLY: You think that’s fine? You have no problem with this?
FOWLER: This is his first amendment right. This biggest problem here is—
KELLY: It’s not a question of what his constitutional rights are. It’s a question of what’s appropriate.
FOWLER: And I see nothing wrong with this.
Isn’t it funny how Kelly only thinks some free speech deserves absolute support? And what a coincidence that the difference is black and white.
Watch it below, from the November 24 The Kelly File.
“How dare that n*gg*r STARE at a WHITE MAN in UNIFORM, as if he has the same rights?? Doesn’t that n*gg*r know that when he’s in the presence of a white man, he’s supposed to keep his head down, not make eye contact, not speak unless spoken two, and only reply with ‘yes suh, boss’?”
Cops do not own the streets, no matter what they think. We do.
CPD hasn’t changed in over 100 years. Sure, we will have a silly house cleaning. And replace the fired cops with new ones, but they will probably be just as bad or worse.
People think I’m joking when I say the Mob would do a better job. I am not kidding. They would not put up with the police misconduct. Bad for business.
“If you let them stare at a white cop today, tomorrow they will want to vote and maybe even date white women.”
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, that obviously means that blacks can make like “Sheriff Bart” (played by the late Cleavon Little) in “Blazing Saddles” and blurt out the following, does it not? :
[sorry — I just HAD to get that one in — I just COULD NOT resist!]
“Geller is white, the Chicago protester is black.”
And Pamela Geller also HAS S**TLOADS OF $$$$!! FACT: Geller was born and raised in Hewlett Harbor, NY (on Long Island), one of the MOST TONY AND SWANKIEST NEIGHBORHOODS IN NEW YORK STATE, if not the nation.
’Nuff said.