Although it’s hard to think of anyone who hates America more than Lou Dobbs, he had the unmitigated gall to go on Fox News and use violent imagery to paint Democrats as enemies of America for opposing Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court – as host Tucker Carlson ate up every word.
Dobbs has some very tough competition in the America-hating bloc at Fox News/Fox Business. Nevertheless, he’s a standout. That’s in addition to his birtherism.
For example, in January, Dobbs said on his Fox Business program, Lou Dobbs Tonight, “The public lies of the Dems and the Deep State … now too numerous and even threatening for even the left-wing media to ignore altogether. We’re at the point we feared we might be.” Dobbs tweeted video of that commentary and got responses calling for the public execution of Democrats and/or the “Deep State.” “Time for the Guillotine,” one person replied. Another responded to a call for hanging by tweeting, “I don’t ever want to have to see someone executed but my feelings on that have now changed. I would travel across the country to witness it.”
America-hating Dobbs also called for the arrest of former-President Barack Obama for criticizing Donald Trump abroad and Dobbs openly sided with Vladimir Putin when he took a nasty swipe at the U.S. Congress.
Dobbs openly acknowledged his hate for America in a June, 2017 Twitter poll question: “Does your week seem all the better because the Dimms, Globalists & the Enviro-left are having a lousy week?”
That Lou Dobbs had the nerve to hold himself up as some kind of defender of American values for opposing an FBI investigation into whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh committed sexual assault.
DOBBS: Tucker, I truly believe what is going on here, what we are witnessing, is not only the corrosive political corruption of the left and these radical DIMMs who sit on particularly the Judiciary Committee but we’re watching a tenet of what has become the Democratic Party’s most important manifesto – and that is to deny American exceptionalism and [Kavanaugh] is extraordinarily exceptional. …This man stands for all that is good and great about this country: his commitment to his studies, to improving himself, his service to the community. My God, how could you ask for anyone better to sit on the Supreme Court?
Well, Lou, somebody better might be someone who has not proven himself a liar, even without the sexual assault allegations, and someone who does not fly into a partisan, conspiracy-theory, unhinged rage over accusations he is nonetheless trying to avoid having investigated.
But, predictably, Carlson – the guy who calls his show a “sworn enemy of lying,” didn’t challenge a word.
Dobbs continued by ratcheting up his inflammatory rhetoric with violent imagery:
DOBBS: It’s a matter of just simple, objective analysis and to watch the Dimms, frankly, foam at the mouth and blood drip from their fangs as they ripped this man and his family apart, it is, it is obscene what they have done. It is obscene that any Republican would in any way enable and facilitate them in that gruesome, gruesome mission. … It is not tearing a nation apart, it’s destroying a nation.
Watch the kind of rhetoric that Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott claims she has banned from the network from the September 28, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Seriously Tucker? Republicans just got Neil Gorsuch seated in April 2017. Quit spewing baseless hyperbole. You sound stupid and whiny at the same time.
But then this whole segment is baseless hyperbole heralding Kavanaugh as some exceptional, irreplaceable jurist which he certainly is not. He was a Trump add-on to the Federalist Society list primarily because he has ridiculous expansionist views on executive power which The Donald feels will protect him from impeachment.
Oh, and Lou Dobbs please quit your “Dimms” label for Democrats. DIMM is a specific term related to information technology, not members of a political party. If it’s you coming up with a cute smear playing on the “Dems” label you appear to have added an extra “m”, moron.