Laura Ingraham smeared Dr. Anthony Fauci as part of the “medical deep state” because his warnings about the coronavirus are just not Trump-friendly enough.
INGRAHAM: Now that we’re slowly starting to get our lives back, ever so slowly, [Fauci] told a British newspaper, "I would hope that we could get back to some degree of normality within a year or so. But I don't think it's this winter or fall."
The medical deep state strikes again. Well, the bottom line for all of us is that the president and his campaign should simply not react to any of this alarmist COVID drivel from here on out.
Of course, Ingraham was broadcasting from the safety of her own remote studio, where Fox has promised she can remain until at least the end of July. Nor did she say anything in the entire segment about her own self going to the Trump rally she advocated for others to attend. She didn’t even say anything about going to church, despite having lobbied Attorney General William Barr to override state shutdown orders for places of worship.
Read my full post about this on Crooks and Liars.