Fox News has been hyperventilating over the fact that President Obama shut out the press from covering his golf game with Tiger Woods and some other dignitaries. So it was especially refreshing to see Fox contributor Charles Krauthammer not only shoot down the “controversy” as the biggest “non-story” since the Kardashian weddings but ridicule it, too, by saying, “I don’t think Obama’s out there with Tiger receiving marital advice.”
“Another controversial situation for President Obama," Bill O’Reilly said, in all seriousness last night as part of his introduction to the discussion. He asked Krauthammer, “Now, this may seem like a trivial thing but there’s a couple of things in play: press access and the image of the president of the United States playing with Tiger Woods who is a controversial guy. How do you see it?”
Krauthammer: I think you were right at the beginning. It is a trivial issue. The guy wants to play golf, the guy deserves a couple of days off. He wants privacy? Big deal. This is the biggest… non-story that the media have created since the Kardashian weddings. He’s got a long way to go before he plays half as much golf as Eisenhower… a pretty good president, you’d have to admit.
I don’t understand what the story is and what the outrage is.
Bill O’Reilly argued that Obama “lends his prestige” to Woods “in a sense” by playing golf with him. “I can understand why people might not like that.”
Krauthammer said, “I don’t think Obama’s out there with Tiger receiving marital advice. I think he’s out there receiving advice on how to line up a putt.”
O’Reilly conceded that if he wanted to learn about how to hit a baseball, he might well consult Mark McGwire. And then dropped the subject.
Who’s the moron in charge of “The O’Reilly Factor?”
Was there a morning memo instructing Fox hosts to “go after Obama about the golf vacation and his association with Woods-a serial adulterer.”
I know what’s REALLY bothering you, BillO — its the same thing that’s bothering Rush Limpballs, who tried to insinuate that the President was cheating on his wife (
Here you have two men, both multi-racial (but mostly black), both very wealthy, one of whom happens to be the nation’s chief executive, on the golf course . . . and neither one is the caddy!!
That’s Rush’s and BillO’s worst nightmare come to life.
And if anyone really thinks that O’Reilly wouldn’t take golfing advice from “marriage cheat” Tiger Woods, then I’ve got some nice real estate about 10 miles west of Key West, FL, that I’d be willing to sell.
Oh. Incidentally, does anyone else think that O’Reilly’s got a lot of nerve calling out Tiger on his marital infidelity when O’Reilly’s currently separated from his wife and sort of crossed legal lines to get his wife’s, um, “gentleman friend” investigated? Bill. I’ve got a pot and kettle that you might like to meet.