“Objective news” host Jon Scott offered what he called a “fair and balanced” debate on Happening Now this morning. That is, if your definition of “fair and balanced” includes a host validating Republican talking points, asking all the skeptical questions of the Democratic guest, making no challenge to the conservative, pro-Republican guest and taking a gratuitous swipe at President Obama.
Happening Now airs at 11 AM ET, supposedly part of Fox’s “objective news” programming. Scott is also the host of Fox’s media criticism program that purports to be uncover media bias.
The discussion was yet another in the endless series of Fox News’ discussions promoting the phony meme that President Obama is somehow anti-business, based on some remarks he made recently – that Fox and Romney have done their best to make political hay from. In fact, FoxNews.com called its video of this discussion, Romney: Obama ‘wants Americans to be ashamed of success.’
Democrat Ryan Clayton did a good job of explaining what President Obama really meant by his remarks and why they are apropos. But as Clayton moved on to discuss the broader context of Obama’s statement – that businesses should be investing more in America, Scott cut off Clayton by saying, “Let’s get back to what the President had to say.”
But Scott was completely willing to stray from that subject in order to make critical comments about Obama:
Coming against the backdrop of the Obama administration wanting to change the rules on welfare to make it easier for people to avoid the work requirement of welfare. It does seem like he’s sort of denigrating the value of work in this country.
Yes, just a “fair and balanced” observation from an objective news host. But wait, there’s more. At the end, as Clayton cited the internet as an example of government efforts helping business to make accomplishments, Scott offered up this little sneer that had nothing to do with “what the President had to say.”
It was actually a Pentagon project and the last I looked, the Pentagon’s budget is getting slashed massively. So I guess that’s their thank you.
Scott should take a good look at his own behavior in this segment for the next Fox News Watch show. But the chances of that happening are slim and none.
There’s not a single one of those losers who actually WORKED for their success. ALL of them got lucky and every last one of them relies on OTHERS for their success (such as it is).
A while ago, I saw Romney being praised by Fox News for making these comments. Please let them be stupid enough to post the segments on their site… it baits such delicious snark!
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