Fox host and Trump BFF Jeanine Pirro accused Democrats of plotting to "remake America" and "replace American citizens with illegals" on Fox Nation’s The Todd Starnes Show.
Media Matters caught Pirro and Starnes playing the victims as a pretext for yet another round of Fox hating on America. The exchange began with Starnes “asking” whether Democrats hate Donald Trump or “the people who put him into office” more.
Pirro replied that Trump is “the one they want to get rid of.” But then she announced that Democrats are targeting Trump supporters “like you and me” to replace them with illegals and “replace American citizens with illegals.”
PIRRO: [T]heir plot to remake America is to bring in the illegals, change the way the voting occurs in this country, give them licenses. They get to vote, maybe once, maybe twice, maybe three times, and you've got motor voter registration on the day of the election. You've got people with - We've got voter rolls that haven't been purged of dead people in years where the Democrats have resisted that.
Think about it. It is a plot to remake America, to replace American citizens with illegals who will vote for the Democrats.
Starnes didn’t challenge a word. Instead, he pressed for more by asking “What do we do?” to combat this supposed plot.
Pirro’s rhetoric sounds like it came straight from a white nationalist playbook. Earlier this month, The New York Times wrote about the El Paso shooter’s likely manifesto:
The words of the manifesto, in citing the “great replacement” theory, echo the slogan that was chanted during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017: “Jews will not replace us.”
The writer of the manifesto also suggested that Democrats in the United States have a strategy to gain a permanent majority by embracing the growing Hispanic population, a notion that has gained currency on right-wing radio shows for years.
And now a Fox News host has mainstreamed it. In March, Pirro was reportedly suspended for two weeks from Fox after her bigoted smear of Rep. Ilhan Omar.
But Pirro is no run-of-the-mill Fox News bigot. She’s a long-time pal of Donald Trump’s. In fact, Pirro’s ex-husband, a felon with suspected ties to the mob, was on retainer to Trump.
Starnes’ bigotry, you may recall, so offended the National Hispanic Association of Journalists, they disinvited Fox News from an upcoming conference and returned their share of sponsorship money.
Listen to Fox News mainstream white nationalism below, from Fox Nation’s August 28, 2019 The Todd Starnes Show, via Media Matters.
(Pirro image via screen grab)
Lol, lol, lol, LOL, LOL, LOL.