There’s a rotation to the guests on Fox and Friends, a show that runs like clockwork. Monday means at some point we’ll hear from both Dana Perino and Brad Stine (see my previous post). However, neither of those esteemed Monday regulars are treated with the reverence and respect of Donald Trump, who doesn’t even have enough respect for the Foxy Friends to show up in the studio. Trump literally phones in his segments. Not only does he have a lot of money (apparently), but Trump is an expert on everything (apparently) because no Fox “News” show seems complete without him. This week on F&F he expounded on North Korea, China, the Keystone Pipeline, environmentalists, President Obama’s lack of leadership, Canada, China again, a rudder-less ‘Merka again, and anything else that he could think of to spew in an excruciatingly long seven minute segment.
It turns out it was Old Home Week as Larry Gatlin (filling in for Brain Brian Kilmeade) told a heartwarming story of The Donald giving him a sweetheart deal in Trump Tower when he appeared in The Will Rogers Follies on Broadway. Gatlin and Trump go back 30 years. Consequently he knows The Donald better than any of the Foxy Friends, so maybe it’s worth listening to him:
“I wish you’d be the Secretary of Commerce, or the Treasury. You know a hell of a lot more about it than those—did I just say that on tee vee? Sorry.”
Okay, maybe it’s not worth listening to Gatlin after all. Not only does he think the short fingered vulgarian* is cabinet material, but “hell” is a bad word. Or is he pretending? Watch and decide for yourself:
*Thank you Spy Magazine.
I’ve been a very good boy this year. I did volunteer work for my local animal shelter, I built a wheelchair ramp for a neighbor who got hit by a drunk driver, I helped my local police department hand out teddy bears to needy kids, I financially helped out my family and friends who are not as fortunate as I’ve been, and I kept my room clean.
What I would like to ask you for is a third party with a ticket of Trump and Palin. Not for me mind you, but for entire world which could use the laughter. So forget the electric train that I ask you for eariler. This is what I really want.
Thank you, Doors17