Just when you thought Fox and Friends was totally predictable, Fox “News” throws a curveball. One need not be prescient to know that every Monday Donald Trump (who will be the subject of my next post), Dana Perino, and Brad Stine will all be trotted out—sometimes all within the first hour, sometimes by satellite, sometimes live on the Curvy Couch, sometimes by phone (Trump). However, who could have predicted that filling in for the otherwise engaged Brain Brian Kilmeade would be Country music star Larry Gatlin? The last time a Country star appeared with the Foxy Friends, it was Hank Williams, Jr. and we know how well that went. Gatlin’s “aw shucks,” down home, Hee Haw accent was somewhat jarring on a purported “news” network, as were the odd, folksy comments, such as “I wouldn’t eat tofu with Jesus at The Last Supper” and “Perfect pitch is when you throw a banjo into a dumpster and it hits a ukulele.” His die-hard Country fans must find that one HIGH-LARRY-US. The only time Gatlin didn’t sound as out of place as a cricket swimming in the moonshine was when he was talking to former carney Brad Stine. Then it was accent vs. accent as they talked about Teabowing, Tim Tebow, and why his team lost.
BS: Here’s what it tells us about God. He would have helped Tim win, except He got distracted when Kim Jong Il appeared at The Pearly Gates and He had to explain to him why he wasn’t on the guest list.
LG: Are you sure?
BS: I’m absolutely sure Kim didn’t make it in. Yes, he was an Atheist. But, it really is about anti-Christian bigotry.
It has to be stated for the record that the only question Larry Gatlin had asked Stine was, “Hey, Brad, how’re you doing, pal?” How did Stine get from that to anti-Christian bigotry? He must have already read ahead in the script because he knew exactly what was expected of him.
Gatlin had another reason for Tebow’s loss: “The way I look at it, last night—I think—God just had the Patriots in the big office pool. You know what I mean? Took the points and went ahead. I’m still going to support the young man.” I think he’s referring to Tebow, not God.
However, what’s curious is that both Gatlin and Stine agreed: God has abandoned Tim Tebow. Watch: