Ted Nugent visited Mike Huckabee’s radio show today where the two good ol’ boys talked a little game hunting. But Huckabee, showing his Christian sense of humor, no doubt, soon joked that maybe “we ought to turn loose” Nugent’s “mystical, wonderful” hunting dog “on some Democrats and see if he can hunt them, too.” The Nuge readily agreed.
HUCKABEE: You’ve got one of the most amazing dogs I’ve ever seen work in the woods and you’ve got to bring him with you when you come hunting.
NUGENT: …You think Gonzo is good on ducks, you should see him on squirrels and doves and rabbits and woodcock and grouse. He really is a mystical, wonderful huntin’ dog.
HUCKABEE: Well, Maybe we ought to turn him loose on some Democrats and see if he can hunt them, too.
NUGENT: Well, there’s a lot of varmints out there. I think he would do good pointing varmints and then we can vote them out of office. What do you say?
HUCKABEE: I’m all about it.
News Corpse points out that this kind of dehumanization of their ideological foes is all too typical of conservative rhetoric.
Audio below via Right Wing Watch.
Way to go Rev!!!!!!!!!!
However, if anyone suggested hunting down teabaggers as sport, Gomer would angrily denounce them. IOKIYAAR.