Sean Hannity’s attempt to blame President Obama for the problems in Egypt - and not so surreptitiously suggest Obama cares more about the welfare of Islamic extremists than Americans - went hilariously awry last night as even his conservative guest, Pat Buchanan, swatted it away as ridiculous and ignorant.
Hannity first tried to blame President Obama’s falling approval rating regarding foreign affairs on his vacation on “Mah-tha’s Vineyard,” Hannity said, pretending that he’s just a regular guy and not a mega-multimillionaire who lives in an 18-room mansion on Long Island, has a luxury penthouse condo in upscale Naples, Florida and who requires a private jet as part of his compensation for any speaking gigs. THAT regular guy went on to “ask” about President Obama, “Is he really that out of touch or does he simply not care?” Unfortunately, for Hannity, he was about to be proven as the one out of touch – by his own guests.
Hannity asked Buchanan, “I contend he (Obama) precipitated this (the violent unrest in Egypt). He pushed Mubarek out. He supported Morsi. And now, he was lecturing the military which is getting rid of the radical Islamists. Is this the foreign policy that America needs?”
In a word, yes. Buchanan said we’ve got to “put our money on” the military and keep our foreign aid to them. Noting that our foreign aid went to the Egyptian military and not Morsi, Buchanan later said, “Now why did we support, to a degree, Morsi? The guy won a free election! He got 50% of the vote!”
“There we go!” Juan Williams, the liberal guest, chimed in to agree.
As the two guests argued persuasively why we need to support the Egyptian military, Hannity kept his eye on the only ball he cared about: smearing Obama as an Islamic-terrorism enabler: “I love both of you but you’re missing a very important point here. Obama supported a radical Islamist …(and) paved the way for his ascent.”
Hannity continued, “I see radical Islam as the enemy of America. Morsi is in that camp. The Brotherhood is in that camp.” You didn’t need to have a degree in foreign policy to know what Hannity was also getting at, even though he didn’t explicitly say it: Obama is also in that camp.
Buchanan smacked that down, too. He said, “I see Al Qaeda as our enemy. I didn’t like the Muslim Brotherhood but we sent the weapons to the military which did the job on Morsi.”
Hannity tried to argue that Morsi was trying to take out the military leaders, “one by one,” when Williams jumped in, “Yeah, but he didn’t. Obviously, the military took him out, Sean. Catch up with the news!”
But Hannity’s mission is always about promoting his political agenda, not the news. He shook his head and said, “You’re missing the whole point. Obama caused this, created this situation and precipitated…”
Williams jumped in. “Oh, stop.” For good measure, his parting shot was, “You brought (up) Obama’s numbers? …The GOP would kill to get Obama’s approval numbers!”
And even Buchanan said, “Obama’s responsible for a lot but he’s not responsible for the Arab spring.”
Poor Sean. Showed up as a hate-mongering ignoramus on his own TV program. But have no fear, Obama haters. Hannity will almost certainly ignore the truths pointed out to him and continue blaming Obama and portraying him as more helpful to Islamic terrorists than to U.S. interests - as if none of this was ever happened.
Obama: I like water.
Hannity: Obama’s planning to poison us with Dihydrogen Monoxide that he got from Muslims!!!
(People with an IQ over 4 facepalm, while Hannity viewers clean their guns)
His ratings are slipping. It’s a fact. To say otherwise is a lie. Lew and John Dickey of Cumulus are businessmen who, unlike Hannocchio, know how to operate a multi-million dollar radio business. This is strictly about money. Everyone in the radio industry knows the truth, except his misinformed audience.
Hannocchio’s support of Rubio left a bad taste in the mouths of right wing extremists. Some see Hannocchio as a RINO who supports the GOP establishment. And his friendship with Karl Rove does not help matters. That probably contributed to losing a percentage of his audience.
The right wing extremists within the Republican Party have criticized Hannocchio and Rusty the Radio Clown. The extremists are going after Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Reince Prebius, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and other Republicans who don’t side with their extremists views. The GOP have created a Frankenstein monster (extremists) that is taking everyone down, including Hannocchio. That’s a fact.
Hannocchio is a repetitive bore. His shows are too predictable and boring. He’s aging and so is his audience. Advertisers won’t place ads with shows that have demographics 55+.
The Stop Hannity Express says this Long Island clown is in for a rude awakening regarding his broadcasting career.
Coming down the pipe:
1. Hannocchio faces another bomb shell.
2. The Elite Washington GOP Power Machine will begin to distance themselves from Hannocchio.
3. Hannocchio’s so-called friends will distance themselves from him.
4. Hannocchio makes a bold decision.
5. Hannocchio gets an offer from a unlikely source.
6. The seams begin to tear inside Fox “News.”
Go ahead, blame the Dickey Brothers for your troubles. We believe John and Lew more than you. They see the light, you don’t.
So far, I’ve not heard Slanthead discuss last night’s boast from Michael Savage that he will be replacing Hannity during afternoon drive time.
When Seanny does want to talk about his downfall, he will predictably preface it with “Let not your hearts be troubled….”
The only real question remaining is where and when Hannity will be banished on the radio, as well as on the teevee?
I wonder if Hannity keeps a daily list of things he can blame on Obama, and that day he decided the events in Egypt were his best bet. Oops, wrong!