In the same week that Fox’s Sean Hannity apologized for suggesting President Obama had scrubbed his Twitter timeline of Hillary Clinton mentions and might be headed to jail as a result and Fox’s Bret Baier apologized for suggesting Clinton was about to be indicted, Hannity misinterpreted a WikiLeak email to suggest that Clinton campaign manager John Podesta practices black magic.
As the Huffington Post explained, Hannity and a bunch of his like-minded Trumpster friends, misunderstood an invitation from Podesta's art-collector brother, Tony Podesta, to a “Spirit Cooking” dinner at "Marina's." The original email, which Tony forwarded to his brother, read:
Dear Tony,
I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?
All my love, Marina
"Marina" is renowned performance artist Marina Abramović. She once created a series of etchings called “Spirit Cooking.” In fairness, descriptions of her art are a bit out there. But in this case, she was planning a dinner to reward donors to her Kickstarter campaign for a new art institute. As it turned out, John Podesta did not attend the dinner.
But Drudge decided, apparently without bothering to investigate, that the invitation was proof that Podesta “practices occult magic.” Mediaite caught the ridiculous tweeting that ensued:
Hannity and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham joined in the smear.
WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Chair Participated in Occult Magic via @LifeZette
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) November 4, 2016
Ingraham's LifeZette wrote that Abramović's art has "always contained the stain of the occult." And, not missing a chance to make electoral hay, without regard to the facts, also said:
The revelation of Podesta's participation in ritual occult magic raises serious questions about his morals. It could also explain the Clinton campaign's barely disguised antipathy toward the Catholic Church.
Then there was Hannity:
LEAKED EMAIL appears to link Clinton Campaign Chairman to bizarre occult ritual
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 4, 2016
Are more Fox apologies in the works?
By the way, as Huffington Post noted:
But even Abramović’s most gruesome performance is nowhere near as terrifying as the real-life horror show that has been the Republican presidential candidate’s hate-fueled campaign. We’re hoping #SpiritCooking becomes the new #NastyWomen.
(H/T reader Eric J.)
Hannity graphic by Nina Brodsky.
The wingers didn’t seem to have a problem with that, for some reason (IOKIYAR)
Do they not understand that real practitioners of black magic would not hesitate to literally destroy their enemies (or those they consider enemies)?
And they don’t do such destruction through the likes of innuendo and using the candidate’s own words against him. They usually do it through “violent” means—such as the person being hit by a car or committing suicide or being killed during a home invasion or falling into a vat of acid when getting out of bed. (Now, “white” magic practitioners might use an innuendo campaign or the candidate’s own words as their means of “destroying” a person, but the base belief of “white” magic is “do no harm”—even things like love charms are recommended to be used only when the target is not currently involved with someone else.)
How exactly did we get here, gang?
At this rate I’m going to become an expert in WikiLeaks email. Certainly they sent me the handful of slam-dunk ones that convinces them Hillary is Satan. I wonder if they’ve even read what they’re having kittens over. I debunk one wild interpretation then another email is forthcoming. Finally it’s either down the rabbit hole to the sub-basement of the Internet where crackpot conspiracy websites dwell or a slew of personal insults are hurled my way because obviously debunking their baloney proves they won the argument. Did you know Hillary made Wall Street speeches where she secretly agreed to destroy Social Security? No, I didn’t either but there’s actually names being put forward of far right capitalist types ready to go all Social Darwinism in Hillary’s cabinet. Ah, really, wouldn’t that be Donald’s agenda (who’s actually proposed crushing Social Security in a meeting with Paul Ryan as reported in the evil msm)? Someone mix up the speeches?
Nope. That’s Drudge. That’s Breitbart. That’s the alt-right. We can all laugh at this but Trump has awakened the beast of know-nothings, conspiracy nuts, and old school Archie Bunkers determined to return economically stressed white losers to their proper place in society. We just have to get all the brown people and scary Muslims out of a way. Oh, and let’s not forget evil Asian Chinese working 80 hour weeks at $3/hour who Trump convinces the fools have the jobs they crave. It’s just the system is rigged against white America.
What’s scary is how many millions of these folks are out there. Who knew? Then there are the many millions of willing accomplices who either are playing team sports or are just idiots buying into the smoke Fox News and the false equivalency driven msm are pimping.
Yesterday NPR went to the poorest county in North Carolina and found a Trump supporter who smeared “young people” as not being informed and smart enough to vote Trump. Then when asked what about Trump made her vote for him, with no sense of irony, she said ‘she was following her gut.’
We can laugh when even Hannity falls for the crackpot conspiracy idiocy. When Drudge proudly runs this baloney until it’s ridiculed for being fools then quickly takes it down. But Trump is way too close to becoming President riding on the backs of these idiots than I, as an American, am comfortable.
Unfortunately, there is no practical path for me to leave America. But I’m not kidding it’s the path I’d really like to take should Trump become President. I not only have absolutely nothing in common with a neo-Fascist Trump. I’m so uncomfortable and embarrassed by it, I’m pretty much done.