As New York City and much of the East Coast gets pummeled by Hurricane Sandy, Sean Hannity used much of his show to advance his hate mongering against all things liberal and/or Democratic. So it shouldn’t come as a total shock that even his interview about the storm was a thinly-veiled effort to push conservative talking points.
The guest was meteorologist Joe Bastardi, a climate change denier and a Fox News fave. Sure enough, Bastardi announced, without prodding from Hannity:
This storm was long overdue… Get used to it along the East Coast… We are in a perilous time, because the Atlantic’s warm, the Pacific’s cold, it’s the 1950’s all over again. Next five to ten years, we’re probably going to see more storms along the Eastern seaboard. Has nothing to do with global warming. Has everything to do with nature. And then we go back to where we were in the 60’s.
Think there might have been a balancing opinion? Think again.
But it has changed ny veiw on this bust buisness
I never mentioned one iota about where the president was born
@Lawrence: On the Kenya link: a Fox “journalist” (aka dirt-chaser) spent several weeks in Kenya trying to find somebody, anybody, willing to testify that President Obama was indeed born and raised there. Although that journalist (forget his name) worked very hard indeed, most likely also offering a generous financial reward (but that’s speculation on my part), he found nothing, nada, zilch, nishto, rien. Even that wasn’t enough to put that myth to rest.
Further, the blood brother who’s allegedly living in squalor refuses to live anywhere else or anyhow different. And he refuses vehemently to become a stooge for the American RWing. All he wants is to be left to live his life as he sees fit. Used to have an uncle like that, actually.
I’m not kidding, here: I’m truly perplexed.
That’s comedy GOLD.
As for Little Larry:
“As for BP . BP paid their dues they were deepdrilling oil and a cock up happened they never shied away unlike america did with Bhopal. But Obamam p and his lefty spin team played the anti King George donât yer know anti big wicked oil card and the white spoke bollocks for months on end about an accident and then proceeded to invest American tax payers money in deep sea drilling in Brazil with Petrobas, the very same drilling heâd put a ban on in this home country. Next youâll be telling me Anite Dunne and Van Joneâs were tea party memebrs whoâd come to realise how sincerer Obama was.”
Can someone translate the above into (American) English?
Come to think of it, that was comedy gold, too — as was listing the Chicago Fire and the Great Fire as examples of . . . something . . .
the second link is about homes on fire from last nights storm…….are you suer that’s what you meant to post? Have you ever heard of the great fire of the Great fire of Chicago
The great fire of London 1666
or vthe great fire of rome
There’s always been fires
Ermm that first link Daily Telegraph report was quoted from the forecasts by the United Kingdom Meteorological Office which was set up by the captain of the ship the Beagle Fitzroy. He in turn cabbed Darwin around the southern seas to later become Admiral and is buried about a mile from where I live. By the way UKMO are gung-ho for global warming caused by humans and that particular forecast a a total sham. Yes it was mild but no blood and no record warmth
Regardless of the cause- Global warming, solar anomalies, the Mayans were right… there is absolutely no denying that the weather has been absolutely bizarre this year. To restate my point from earlier…
If this is just the weather relapsing to 1950 patterns, like Bastardi claims, why couldn’t he prove it? Why wouldn’t Hannity let him, if he could?
But just keep on flapping your gums, Lawrence. I’m so in the mood for ignorant people that can’t stop jawing.
The story of theChurchill bust, Obama’s love of his grandfather who died fighting the Dutch whilst putting his curtains up no doubt due to his torture at the hand sof the British, is well known. So you would kinda think that his army of spin people would have wanted to set the record straight a lot earlier than that. The main report in the UK was via the Telegraph a very prostigious broad sheet. It seems to me that they were either incompetant or so arrogant that they did’nt feel it mattered. FFS
As for BP . BP paid their dues they were deepdrilling oil and a cock up happened they never shied away unlike america did with Bhopal. But Obamam p and his lefty spin team played the anti King George don’t yer know anti big wicked oil card and the white spoke bollocks for months on end about an accident and then proceeded to invest American tax payers money in deep sea drilling in Brazil with Petrobas, the very same drilling he’d put a ban on in this home country. Next you’ll be telling me Anite Dunne and Van Jone’s were tea party memebrs who’d come to realise how sincerer Obama was.
MJ stick it you know where
“You probably hate people like me yet I admitted that the story wasnât that clearcut .”
Actually, it IS clear cut.
- the Churchill bust was NOT the property of the White House
- it was ON LOAN from the British gov’t
- the loan period coincided with the change of administrations
- President Obama returned to the British THEIR PROPERTY
Well, clear cut to everybody but rightwingnuts like you, apparently . . .
“And the so called excuse semed to come rather late , three years in fact. So please donât lecture me about being unfair when it took all that time to try and set the record straight? Quite a long time donât you think?”
The “record had to be set straight,” because rightwing idiots on Fox and their sheeple listeners were the only ones who continued to scream for three years that “Obama returned the bust ‘cuz he don’t like the Brits.”
“By the way Obamaâs attitude over the BP oil spill didnât exactly help matters much-did it.”
What “attitude” was that?
Was it mobilizing 30K people and 17K National Guard troops to contain and clean up the spill?
Was it establishing a commission to investigate the cause of the explosion and make recommendations to prevent another one?
Was it asking the country to pray for the people of the Gulf, especially the families of the 11 rig workers who were killed and the 17 that were injured?
Here’s the text of President Obama’s speech on the BP oil spill; perhaps you can use the same mind-reading powers Rush Limpballs has, and “interpret” what he “really meant”:
You probably hate people like me yet I admitted that the story wasn’t that clearcut . Now I’m not sure if thethe whitehouse staff are incometent or what because it took a long long time for any response and even then he got it wrong and had to update it.
There you it have two principled so called right wingers in one day myself and Christie, now try and find me one pricipled lefty in one hundred years.
By the way Obama’s attitude over the BP oil spill didn’t exactly help matters much-did it.
By the way he did return the bust
He does dislike the British because of Kenya
And the so called excuse semed to come rather late , three years in fact. So please don’t lecture me about being unfair when it took all that time to try and set the record straight? Quite a long time don’t you think?
Each and every appearance reminds me how important it is to get out the vote for civilisation and civility.
I do not want to live in a world like the one described in “The Handsmaid Tail” (Margaret Atwood).
The Churchill bust is becoming just like the birth certificate, Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright, etc. — a “golden oldie:” no matter how many times it gets debunked, rightwingnuts just LOOOVE to repeat it.
@Lawrence Jenkins: “Apparently Obamadeclined to extend the loan so you can make out of that what you want really. Lets face it all the MSM covered that story and the link you gave doesnât totally tell the truth with the author failing to mention that were two busts and yes indeed one was returned to the British Embassy.”
“Make out of that what you want?” How ’bout we make out of that what it IS — namely, the bust was a LOAN, and it was RETURNED?
“Lets face it all the MSM covered that story and the link you gave doesnât totally tell the truth . . .” LMAO . . . the MSM also includes Fox (despite their claims to the contrary); the only difference being the others covered the story without the sensationalism . . .
I must say, we’ve gotten more “visitors” (sockpuppets) at this site in the last couple of weeks (“Lawrence Jenkins,” “Douglas Ashe,” “Jennifer Ostermiller,” “Kathleen Washington State,” “Theola,” etc.) than I’ve seen in a while — all stridently right-wing and VERY angry . . . must be the panic in realizing both the GOP has no message and no viable candidate, and that President Obama will be getting a second term . . . the number of “visitors” is only going to increase until Election Day — then, silence . . .
Why do the left hate any remarks that may be racially contrued to be insulting yet have no problem throwing out personal insults. Surely all unkind insults are bad. I mean Oprah and the queen of soul are,’t exactly slim-are they.
Again another example of sheer twisted left hypocrisy.
I concede the returned Churchil Bust is not a straightforward as it first seemed. It turns out there are two Epstien busts of Churchil at the white house. One was given the LBJ and the one Obama retuned was on loan to the white house and presented bt Tony Blair the ex British PM. Apparently Obamadeclined to extend the loan so you can make out of that what you want really. Lets face it all the MSM covered that story and the link you gave doesn’t totally tell the truth with the author failing to mention that were two busts and yes indeed one was returned to the British Embassy.
Happy thanksgiving
I never said capitalism was a belief system , did I?
Why do you lefties distort so.
The fact that Christie has praised Obama -who himself plames George Bush for everything up until the end of the world; just goes to show the integrity and objectivity of the conservative over the sniddy, game cheating lieing tactics of the left.
If I’m correct it was the incompetance of the new Orleans mayor that was primarily responsible for the Katrina cock up -not Bush. You’ll necver hera a lefty democrat say that though . Because they are brainwashed and full of self hate. Christie gave praise where it was due-another reason for my American cousins to vote Romney.
I will say this I do like Obama as a personality -he comes across well, but he is a deluded hateful left winger though. I mean he returned the bust of Winston Churchil to Britain -even though it was a gift. So what sort of gesture was he making there?
The Koch-funded study was carried out and written up by a team of scientists who have changed their minds.
Fox will, of course, ignore them because what counts is faith not knowledge.
Trouble is its not that ‘ounce’ is it . Measures to stop Co2 production would far outweigh any adavantage gained from tipping at Co2 AGW windmills Don Quixoti style, In fact the prevention of AGW via co2 reduction is the the pound and the lets do nothing is the ounce.
“Thank you ! Youâve opened my eyes on the scientific fact that evolution isnât amelioration : youâve evolved from a naive lefty to a dumb righty. "
Erm..okay Zap fine, however why accept reality when lies suits your cause more.
Fact:It’s happened before in the fities and sixties way before AGW was seen as a weapon.
Fact: the world has been warmer
Fact: disaster permeates the history of the planet.
I could go on but you get the drift.
By the way what will you lot do when it turns out the planets climate is fine and well within the paremeters of climate change and weather.
Blame laptop or ipods? Now that would be a great campaign, if you lefties boycotted the internet -ah the peace and no stench of hyporcisy .
“If this is really the 1950s over again, perhaps Bastardi could provide examples of this weather in the 1950s. And not just Katrina/Sandy grade storms- How about the other bizarre trends in the weather? "
Excuse me Aria …..what bizzare trends. You really don’t have a clue , do you?
Ellen accuses Hanity and Joe of politiscising the storm and every reply is about global warming.
Oh such hypocrites the lot of you.