Sean Hannity had an interview with his government shutdown BFF Senator Mike Lee last night. There was no talk of how Lee’s popularity has plummeted in Utah since the shutdown stunt nor how Lee has alienated many in his own party since taking office. But near the end, Hannity acknowledged that “some establishment types in Utah might be trying to change the rules to hurt you.” If that continues, Hannity promised, “I’ll do everything I can do – We’ll go out to Utah, we’ll have a big Tea Party out there. We’ll remind them why you were elected.”
Here’s what the Washington Post reported this week on Lee’s standing in Utah:
As a result (of the shutdown), Lee’s approval ratings in Utah have cratered, and prominent Republicans and local business executives are openly discussing the possibility of mounting a primary challenge against him. Top Republicans are also maneuvering to redesign the party’s nomination system in a way that would likely make it more difficult for Lee to win reelection in 2016.
… Spencer Zwick, a Utah native and national finance chairman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, was more direct, calling Lee a “show horse” who “just wants to be a spectacle.”
“Business leaders that I talk to, many of whom supported him, would never support his reelection and in fact will work against him, myself included,” Zwick said.
WaPo also noted that Lee’s approval ratings dropped to 40 percent during the shutdown, a ten-point drop since June.
None of those awkward details were relayed to the Hannity show audience. But near the end, a little past the 7 minute mark, Sean Hannity said he is “a little disappointed” with “some Republicans” and “establishment types" who want to "hurt" Lee …for standing by your number one promise that you made in the campaign.” Hannity added:
Senator, if they continue to attack you because you were very brave – …and history’s gonna prove you right on this. I promise I’ll do everything I can do – We’ll go out to Utah, we’ll have a big Tea Party out there. We’ll remind them why you were elected. How’s that?
How’s that? Well, it sounds like the kind of outright politicking that got Hannity in hot water, pardon the pun, when he tried to sell tickets to his Fox News show as a fundraiser for the Tea Party. But whether Fox News execs object this time or not, it just shows how blatantly activist Fox News hosts are. They really are the communications arm of the GOP.
Lee was pleased. He showed no concern for the lack of journalistic ethics being displayed in his name. “Wonderful, thank you, Sean,” he said.
Mike Lee is a thorn to the Elite Washington GOP Power Machine. They will do what it takes to oust this Tea Pot from his seat.
If you see Lee in person ask him why Hannocchio won’t waterboard himself for our troops for charity.
He also helped a man run for office. Heard of Hal Turner?