During a lapdog interview with Donald Trump Monday, Sean Hannity didn’t ask a single question about Trump’s refusal to disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan. Hannity didn’t even object when Trump began attacking Fox News and some of its pundits. Well, except to defend his own self.
On Monday, everybody was buzzing about Trump’s refusal to disavow the support of David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan member, when asked about it on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. Trump kept the story alive on Monday by blaming a bad earpiece.
But Hannity didn’t say a word on the subject. Maybe that’s because Hannity has actually palled around with a white supremacist and still seems to have a special sympathy for bigots.
The discussion about Fox began at about 5:05 into the interview, when Hannity talked about the Republican establishment seeming “panicked” over Trump’s success. First, Trump attacked Fox News contributor Karl Rove:
TRUMP: Now, what was interesting -- because I am not a fan of Karl Rove. I think he's terrible. And no matter what I do, if I win New Hampshire by a landslide, I win Nevada by a landslide -- we killed everybody, as you know, including we won the evangelicals, everything, in South Carolina. It was so incredible.
And I'm watching this guy. It's almost like -- in fact, I jokingly called -- I called up a friend of yours at Fox. I said, Gee, I've been watching Fox. Do you think I won? I won by a landslide.
OK, but Karl Rove...
Instead of standing up for his colleague, Hannity distanced himself: “You weren’t watching my show,” he said.
Trump continued attacking Fox.
TRUMP: No, no. I know. Your show is great. But I called up Karl Rove the other night, you know, just a friend. And I'm watching Karl Rove. And he says, Donald Trump needs 300 points. And I said, That sounds reasonable. Then a friend said it's impossible to get 300 points.
So here's what's going to happen. If I get 240 or 250 or 260, which everybody would be thrilled at, he'll say, Donald Trump had a bad night because somebody said it's impossible to get 300.
So look, you got some bad people in Fox. You got some great people, too, but you got some bad people. And you're going to have...
Hannity made a wimpy effort to defend his network – by saying MSNBC is worse.
HANNITY: Wait a minute. In all fairness...
HANNITY: Have you watched MSNBC? They suck.
TRUMP: But they do treat me well. And I have to tell you, I have great respect for Fox.
HANNITY: I know you do.
TRUMP: And you and O'Reilly...
TRUMP: ... a little bit rough, and Greta, and so many others.
HANNITY: Neil Cavuto, "Fox & Friends"...
TRUMP: Steve Doocy, "Fox & Friends," the whole -- Brian...
HANNITY: Let me ask you this question...
TRUMP: No, no. I will tell you. You have a couple of people that shouldn't be on -- Stephen Hayes should not be on the shows. He shouldn't be on, he's so biased. Karl Rove -- still thinks Romney won. You remember after the election?
TRUMP: Romney won. Romney won. They had to pull him off the air. The election ended about four hours ago.
TRUMP: I'm telling you, Romney won. He shouldn't be on the air!
And how did Hannity handle this latest onslaught against his colleagues? By changing the subject.
HANNITY: Let me go back to Hillary for a second because Hillary Clinton said -- this is a quote -- "Donald Trump saying America's not great again. We don't have to make America great. America is already great." Tell that to the 95 million Americans out of the labor force, the 50 million in poverty and the 46 million on food stamps. Aren't our fellow Americans suffering? I think they're suffering.
Watch Hannity roll over for Trump, below, from the February 29 Hannity. Transcript via FoxNews.com.
You’re just so mean to The Donald. How in the world can you make a connection between the Trump campaign and white supremacists? I just don’t get it….
“White Supremacists Are Broadcasting From Inside Trump Rallies” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/white-supremacists-donald-trump-rallies_us_56d663cfe4b03260bf789a09