Sean Hannity may have climbed back on top in the ratings but he’s not helping his network make more money, according to a new article by Gabriel Sherman in Vanity Fair. Fellow Trumper extraordinaire, Laura Ingraham, is not helping the situation, either.
In an article that’s mostly about a power struggle between Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch, author Sherman noted that Lachlan has another headache on his hands. Sherman wrote :
The crown jewel of New Fox—Fox News—is confronting some business headwinds. While Fox News dominated the ratings in May—a fact Trump bragged about on Saturday—the network is having new difficulties monetizing its most pro-Trump programming. According to three sources briefed on the numbers, advertising revenues for Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are down in recent months. “The pro-Trump thing isn’t working. We can’t monetize DACA and the wall and that right-wing shit,” one staffer said. “Despite all the hype on Hannity, they can’t sell it,” another insider told me. (Tucker Carlson’s show is faring better, sources said).
Through a spokesperson, Fox News president of ad sales Marianne Gambelli said: “Fox News is in the middle of a record year both in ratings and ad sales and Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham have the highest rated shows in cable news.”
I noticed Gambelli did not say Hannity and Ingraham are the biggest sellers.
This is not the first indication that Fox’s “Trump TV” strategy is not a moneymaker for the network. Media Matters noted that the Vanity Fair report “follows an October 2017 report that Fox News’ ad revenue had dropped 17% year over year, at the same time that ad revenue at other cable news networks was relatively stable.”
Maybe there’s hope for America, after all.
The Foxies are in for a real treat this summer. When certain information comes out about a certain mouthpiece advertisers will flee in droves. When the mouthpiece’s advertising revenue dries up the Foxies will have no choice but to can his azz.
He’s saying to himself, “What do they know about me?” Answer: Plenty.
Ms. Laura the hothead needs to stick to radio. She’s not cutout to be a tv host. She’s too old to draw the middle-aged men who prefer young women in short skirts and low-cut blouses.
You can send all the pre-written press releases all you want, sister. Insiders at this demonic network will tell the truth to the public, and there is nothing you can do about. So there!