Remember when Sean Hannity suggested Donald Trump surrogates should start smearing Gold Star father Khizr Khan – and then hinted he was itching for the job? Last night, he fulfilled his wish.
Last week, Hannity appreciated the advice of bigoted Pat Buchanan, that Donald Trump let his surrogates investigate and attack people like Khan who, as everyone probably knows by now, nearly stole the DNC with his moving criticisms of Trump’s Islamophobia. Trump’s bigoted and heartless response was at least partly responsible for his downward spiral in the polls.
If there’s anything that gets Hannity’s juices flowing, it’s helping a white guy in racial or ethnic hot water. So he turned to the A-list of Islamophobic extremists and chose Robert Spencer for this mission. How awful is Spencer? The Southern Poverty Law Center notes, among other damning facts, he was banned from The United Kingdom as an extremist in 2013. Naturally, he’s a pal of Pamela Geller, who must have been otherwise engaged.
Transcript below via Media Matters:
HANNITY: The media has been very quick to praise Khizr Khan. He’s the man who attacked Donald Trump at a speech at the DNC last month, but who exactly is Mr. Khan? Now, Khan is a Pakistani-American lawyer and the father of army Captain Humayun Khan. He was a hero. He was killed in Iraq during operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004. Now all Americans, we all honor his service, his sacrifice, and his courage—and on that, everybody agrees. But Khizr Khan, since his DNC speech, has made controversial comments. During one recent interview, he said there’s no such thing as Sharia law. Really?
Hannity played a video montage of Khan saying he would “not stand for any Sharia law because there is no such thing.” He called “Sharia law” a “hodgepodge” of other laws. He also said there is “tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies it under the Constitution of the United States and, therefore, it can never be part of U.S. law.
Hannity then cherrypicked a Khan quote from 1983, in which he wrote, in the Houston Journal of International Law, “The invariable and basic rules of Islamic law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah (Quran and Sunnah) which are few and limited” and that “all other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich and indispensable but they must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah.”
Hannity was clearly trying to suggest that Khan thinks Sharia law should trump all other laws, including American law. But when I read the 1983 article, Khan said nothing of the sort. He was talking about classifications of Islamic law and seemed to be making the same point we saw in the video: that what is known as Sharia law is an artificial hodgepodge.
We also saw Khan saying that terrorism is “not Islam” and Hannity repackaged the Pakistani news report that Fox's Trish Regan hyped, apparently because Khan mentioned Allah.
That was all the “proof” Hannity and guests, which also included forrmer Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka, needed to hold up Khan as some kind of stealth Muslim terrorist-sympathizer.
SPENCER: He is being flagrantly deceptive. Mohammed said war is deceit, and I think Khan was listening. The fact is that Mr. Gorka, Dr. Gorka, is quite right, that there are established schools of Sharia jurisprudence and also there are Sharia states that are avowedly following Islamic law, which they consider to be and loudly proclaim to be the immutable and perfect law of Allah—Saudi Arabi, Iran, Pakistan for the most part, Sudan, and others. And so for him to say—and they all, it’s worth noting, have remarkably similar character because Sharia has a very particular content, and so they are all repressive regimes that stone adulterers, amputate hands of thieves and so on.
HANNITY: Do you think he was purposely hiding his real views now because he was so advanced in this political narrative, Dr. Gorka?
SEBASTIAN GORKA: I can’t search his soul, but I do think that it’s very, very strange that he makes these kinds of statements that don’t comport with what he said earlier.
Mr. Khan is not in the news any more. So it's hard to see how smearing him helps Donald Trump in any way at this point. Unless the Trump supporters are getting desperate as Trump is losing badly right now. Or maybe bigoted attacks are just something Hannity - who has palled around with a slavery apologist and a white supremacist - enjoys.
Or maybe it's both.
Watch this despicable discussion masquerading as news analysis below, from the August 8 Hannity.
1) During the convention of a political party in the USA, the distressed mother of a person who died in the service of his country accuses the opponent of her party’s candidate of having murdered her son. The opponent party’s candidate responds with empathy and a deep understanding of the mother’s loss.
2) During the convention of a political party in the USA, the distressed father of a person who died in the service of his country accuses the opponent of his party’s candidate of being ignorant of the Constitution. The opponent party’s candidate responds with insults and racist insinuations and he won’t let the matter rest. This sad incident is ramping up racial hatred in a country awash in firearms.
Personally, I have no doubt as to which of the two candidates is better fit to be President of the USA. That’s nojob for a thin-skinned gent who doesn’t want to put his brain in gear before speaking. To my mind, he’s not capable of realising that he is sowing the seeds of civil unrest.
The Stop Hannity Express says Hannocchio knows what goes on at the Foxies. He is an Ailes loyal supporter who would protect the Nixon Trainee.
The Murdoch boys better toss Hannocchio to the curb before more bombshells are revealed about the boys at Fox “News” Channel.
Coming down the pipeline:
1. Fox “News” mouthpieces exposed.
2. They cheated on their wives.
3. Say goodbye to Bill Shine.
4. Say goodbye to Peter Johnson, Jr.
5. More Fox “News” suits fired.