“Great American” Sean Hannity didn’t just side with Israel over his own country as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has figuratively spit in President Obama's face. No, Hannity went out of his way to demonize Obama in every possible way he could work into a nearly 10-minute segment.
It’s very touching to see Hannity’s sudden concern for Jews when you consider how he has previously palled around with the most vile of anti-Semites. But when there’s a contest between Hannity’s bigotry and his lust for conservative power – and maybe a new war for other people to shed blood in – well, it’s no contest.
But that doesn’t mean Hannity is above using his bigotry against President Obama. Hannity had at the ready a montage of Obama making such statements as, “The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam” as a blatant suggestion that Obama is too pro-Islam to love Israel.
Of course, the "icy relationship" between Netanyahu and Obama is all Obama’s fault. You didn’t even have to watch the discussion to know that. A large graphic blared, “BETRAYING ISRAEL” on the screen.
Hannity’s guests were Democratic wanker Doug Schoen and Bush administration alum Ari Fleischer. Without prompt, Schoen jumped in to criticize Obama for not saying “Islamic terrorism” - possibly the one right-wing attack line Hannity missed.
Echoing the "Obama is anti-Semitic" smears of Fox's Andrea Tantaros, Hannity said, “Listen, Ari, I said this on radio today, I’ll say it here. The president, I see, actively dislikes the Jewish state. He’s been more anti-Israel than any president than any president I can think of.”
Fleischer agreed.
Schoen said, presumably sarcastically, “The Iranians are now our effective allies in Iraq, fighting ISIS.” He added, “We don’t have a global war on Islamic terror. We need that, it’s the only way to defeat ISIS and save what you and I regard as the essence of our civilization.” So how does Schoen “know” that? From hanging around Fox News? According to Schoen’s bio, he’s an expert in polling and political campaigns and has a law degree. I couldn’t find anything that indicated an expertise in fighting terrorism, Islamic terrorism or anything to do with international security or military strategy.
Then Hannity one-upped Tantaros:
HANNITY: My question, Ari, is I kind of look this at – after Munich, Neville Chamberlain tells everybody, “Peace with honor, peace in our time.” And Winston Churchill said, “Well, you were given a choice between war and dishonor, you chose dishonor and you will have war.”
The way I look at it, we’re living at a time – and tell me if you think my analogy is a little over the top, if it’s right on – where Barack Obama’s Neville Chamberlain or worse and Prime Minister Netanyahu is Winston Churchill. And that I think this will be studied for hundreds of years. This could be a catastrophic mistake.
Notice how Obama is “Barack Obama” but Netanyahu is “Prime Minister Netanyahu” to Hannity?
Fleischer didn’t seem to want to go as far as Hannity went, but he said, “I hope you’re wrong, I fear you’re right.”
“Democrat” Schoen jumped in to say, “This isn’t partisanship, this is bipartisanship. This is about the fate of the free world, Israel and our democracy.”
Hannity liked his smear so much, he made his Question of the Day, “Is President Obama a modern day Neville Chamberlain?”
Yeah, just asking.
Kraig, I’ll have you know that being a typical America male I like to sit around in my underwear and scratch myself while thinking that every woman truly wants me.
The old living in our parent’s basements line, huh? Well you sir you are an elitist since you must live in your parent’s attic.
doors17, Broeker means people sitting in their basements in their underway. A line he learned from the Long Island Lolito.
Since Broeker is visiting this site, we wanted to inform him that the Foxies have a close, personal friendship with the Bushes. So expect more airtime for Jebby on this so-called network. He should create a log as proof. Once he realizes Hannocchio and the Foxies are in the pockets of Bush. He should consider dropping both Hannocchio and Fox.
Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg were JEWISH-American sayanim executed for conspiracy to commit espionage, relating to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. The other atomic spies who were caught by the FBI offered confessions and were not executed, including Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, who supplied documents to Julius from Los Alamos and served 10 years of his 15-year sentence; Harry Gold, who identified Greenglass and served 15 years in Federal prison as the courier for Greenglass; and a German scientist, Klaus Fuchs, who served nine years and four months.
By far the most egregious damage done by JohnathanPollard was to steal classified documents relating to the US Nuclear Deterrent relative to the USSR and send them to Israel. According to sources in the US State Department, Israel then turned around and traded those stolen nuclear secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas from the USSR to Israel. Other information that found its way from the US to Israel to the USSR resulted in the loss of American agents operating inside the USSR. Casper Weinberger, in his affidavit opposing a reduced sentence for Pollard, described the damage done to the United States thus, “[It is] difficult to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by… Pollard’s treasonous behavior.”
This should end the suggestion that Israel’s spies are harmless. They are not. The United States’ nuclear deterrent cost an estimated FIVE TRILLION taxpayer dollars during the 50s and 60s to build and maintain, and less than $100,000 for Pollard to undermine. Israel waited 13 years to admit Pollard had been spying for them, and now lobbies for his release, having granted him Israeli citizenship.
Israel has been spying,selling Our secrets to our enemies and generally stabbing America inthe back for too long. ………USS LIBERTY
Yes indeed Brian. Don’t forget: you are talking about the SAME Jabba the Ailes who was the architect of the late Richard Nixon’s infamous and EXTREMELY RACIST “Southern Strategy” that was devised after LBJ signed the Civil Right Act into law in 1965. This fearmongering strategy is STILL being used by Southern Republicans today.