According to Fox News' Geraldo Rivera, lying bigot Sean Hannity is not just Donald Trump’s bedtime BFF but his biggest influence.
We already knew that Hannity and Trump chat “like old girlfriends” nearly every night before beddy-bye and that they speak often during the day, though not in the morning when Baby Snatcher Trump is busy watching TV and tweeting. And Hannity has been dubbed the “unofficial chief of staff” by some Trump aides.
If Rivera is to be believed, Hannity has now been promoted to unofficial vice president. Media Matters caught this exchange on Hannity’s radio program yesterday:
RIVERA: Very briefly, the president says that of you, and I say -- I say it often, you're the second most powerful man in the country, because you --
HANNITY: That's scary, Geraldo.
RIVERA: -- of your symbiotic relationship, and your clear thinking, and very articulately expressed conservative philosophy.
HANNITY: Well, you're very -- you're very kind. Listen, I'm a spoke in a wheel, and that's how I view myself. I'm -- and I'm not being -- trying to be humble here. I just -- I know every voter has a say, every other, you know, talk host, they get it, have a say, you have had a say. You have powerful, powerful impact too.
Yes, Hannity is “trying” to be humble without actually denying his oversized role in the Trump/Fox administration.
And, by the way, there is good reason to believe Rivera because he is another Fox News Trump crony.
Listen to the two Trumpers below, from the June 26, 2018 The Sean Hannity Show, via Media Matters. You may have to hold your nose as Hannity and Rivera also clutch their hypocritical pearls in a sudden love for civility.
(Hannity image via screen grab)
This aging, mouthpiece thinks Darth Trumpy will protect him, if he gets in trouble. Pie is in for a rude awakening this summer.
The Stop Hannity Express says Pie will become the most hated man in America. A title that will stick with him for the rest of his life.
I’m surprised they don’t insist Mister Gerry Rivers (as he was before he decided something more exotic was called for) only appear in speedos, festooned with a garland of chunky chains.