Fox News’ dodgy pollster, Frank Luntz, has shocked us before with his blatant partisanship dressed up as impartial moderating of focus groups. But this bit of video - in which Luntz jokes he wants to put a “Run, Barack Run” bumper sticker on the front of his car – takes the cake. I’m not sure which was worse, Luntz’ joke or the crowd's laughter.
Luntz was trying his hand at comedy at an event with Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum. “I actually have a ‘Run, Barack, Run’ bumper sticker, but I put it on the front of my car,” he joked.
As Raw Story noted, there are some parts of the country in which people joke about a fictional racist game where players earn points for running over minorities.
He also joshed about ordering at McDonald’s an “Obama Happy Meal” where you can “Order anything you want and the guy behind you has to pay for it.”
Luntz made a not-very-sensitive joke involving Native Americans, too. Referring to the Clintons’ home in Chappaqua, N.Y., Luntz asked, “Did you know that 'Chappaqua' is Indian for 'separate bedrooms?'”
Some years ago, a friend of mine asked me for a screen grab of Luntz’ tie one night when he appeared on Fox. My friend thought the tie was the Confederate Stars and Bars. At the time, I strenuously disagreed. Now I’m reconsidering. Here’s the grab. I’ll report and let you decide.
Update: Video is no longer available.
Looking at Luntz in the above screencaps, and in this photo: . . . it looks as though he’s enjoyed more than his share of Happy Meals . . .
However when it comes to Luntz and every attempt that Fox does to find its own Jon Stewart, I would find it very difficult to show them any encouragement. Will you people on the right please find yourselves a comedian or a comedy writer. I love a good joke no matter what direction itâs aimed at, and so far every attempt has bombed. Badly.
Liz Trotta “joked” about assassinating him . . .
Crazy Annie Coulter “joked” about assassinating both President Clinton and poisoning a sitting SC Justice . . .
Wingnut humor: the only “humor” that needs an “R” rating . . .
With all my love,
Aunty Em