And who better to give a fair and balanced analysis of Obama's record than Herman Cain?
The video is little more than a blatant airing of Romney-campaign talking points (you can view it under the screen grab, below) but the video's subtitle says, "Herman Cain explains" to give it the imprimatur of news analysis as opposed to hype.
Also, check out the "related stories" underneath: "How does Bachmann's endorsement help Romney?" and "Cain: Romney's a wealthy man get over it."
Do you think there will be any featured videos along the lines of "Why Romney would make a bad president?" or "Obama's Five Best Decisions?" Or even any segments at all with such headlines on Fox?
I think we all know the answer.
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Kevin Koster commented
2012-05-04 20:15:28 -0400
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The fact of the matter is that the GOP is becoming noticeably desperate. They don’t think their candidate is that strong and they don’t like the way the polls and the economy are trending. So we’re once again hearing the more hysterical attacks.
Let’s take each silly comment by Cain in order:
5. First, Cain says that Obama does nothing but “Blame Others” for his problems. Interesting that the GOP talking points try to blame everything on the Dems or on the media they don’t like (non-Fox) for the economy, etc., and yet Cain forgets to note this.
4. Second, Cain says Romney would never have signed the Affordable Care Act. Except that it was modeled on Romney’s health care law in Massachusetts and the individual mandate came from GOP suggestions that they disavowed once it was being promoted by President Obama.
3. Third, Cain holds Obama personally responsible for the expansion of the budget deficit. He of course has to ignore the overdue accounting of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and hope that the US government would just sit by and watch the economy completely tank. And had Obama done that, he would have been called another Herbert Hoover. (It’s also interesting that if the President travels, he’s harangued for the expense of it. If the First Lady travels, she’s accused of wasting taxpayer money on vacations. But if they just stayed in the White House and never travelled anywhere, they would be accused of diminishing the presidency by hiding their faces.)
2. Fourth, Cain says it’s Obama’s fault that the US Congress hasn’t been able to reconcile a budget in three years. Let’s see what the real facts are there. For two years, the GOP had just enough votes in the House and Senate to gum up the works on anything unless the Dems voted in lockstep – which they almost never do. In the meantime, the GOP voted no in lockstep on every opportunity. Then when the GOP got control over the House, they began passing every objectionable bill they could, knowing they would not pass the Senate, just to try to gain cheap political points. The Congressional Budget is an unfortunate casualty of all the politicking being done by what may be the most cynical GOP congresses of all time.
1. Finally, Cain says Obama is trying to “attack success” when he asks very wealthy Americans to pay their fair share rather than lower tax rates at a time that the GOP are simultaneously harping on the budget deficit.
And this is the best the GOP can do in making a case for their man? No wonder the desperation is starting to show…
Let’s take each silly comment by Cain in order:
5. First, Cain says that Obama does nothing but “Blame Others” for his problems. Interesting that the GOP talking points try to blame everything on the Dems or on the media they don’t like (non-Fox) for the economy, etc., and yet Cain forgets to note this.
4. Second, Cain says Romney would never have signed the Affordable Care Act. Except that it was modeled on Romney’s health care law in Massachusetts and the individual mandate came from GOP suggestions that they disavowed once it was being promoted by President Obama.
3. Third, Cain holds Obama personally responsible for the expansion of the budget deficit. He of course has to ignore the overdue accounting of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and hope that the US government would just sit by and watch the economy completely tank. And had Obama done that, he would have been called another Herbert Hoover. (It’s also interesting that if the President travels, he’s harangued for the expense of it. If the First Lady travels, she’s accused of wasting taxpayer money on vacations. But if they just stayed in the White House and never travelled anywhere, they would be accused of diminishing the presidency by hiding their faces.)
2. Fourth, Cain says it’s Obama’s fault that the US Congress hasn’t been able to reconcile a budget in three years. Let’s see what the real facts are there. For two years, the GOP had just enough votes in the House and Senate to gum up the works on anything unless the Dems voted in lockstep – which they almost never do. In the meantime, the GOP voted no in lockstep on every opportunity. Then when the GOP got control over the House, they began passing every objectionable bill they could, knowing they would not pass the Senate, just to try to gain cheap political points. The Congressional Budget is an unfortunate casualty of all the politicking being done by what may be the most cynical GOP congresses of all time.
1. Finally, Cain says Obama is trying to “attack success” when he asks very wealthy Americans to pay their fair share rather than lower tax rates at a time that the GOP are simultaneously harping on the budget deficit.
And this is the best the GOP can do in making a case for their man? No wonder the desperation is starting to show…
mj - the same one commented
2012-05-04 12:38:51 -0400
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Herman Cain’s Five Worst Decisions:
1. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
2. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
3. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
4. Running for President with no political or officeholding experience
5. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
1. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
2. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
3. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
4. Running for President with no political or officeholding experience
5. Getting caught sexually harassing white women
truman commented
2012-05-04 12:34:47 -0400
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Train Wreck Cain’s top five quotes (so many to choose from):
1. I got all this stuff twirling around in my head.
2. 9-9-9
3. How do you say delicious in Cuban?
4. The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is.
5. And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I’m going to say, you know, I don’t know. Do you know?
1. I got all this stuff twirling around in my head.
2. 9-9-9
3. How do you say delicious in Cuban?
4. The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is.
5. And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I’m going to say, you know, I don’t know. Do you know?
about FoxNews.Com Featured Video: Obama's Five Worst Decisions
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2012-05-04 11:28:56 -0400
Think we'll see a video featuring Obama's five best decisions or five reasons not to vote for Romney on Fox? Don't hold your breath.