To look at the headlines on, you might not know more than a thousand Americans are dying every day from the coronavirus pandemic.
As this post is being written, the top left side of the site reveals that coronavirus is a “hot topic,” suggesting that readers are showing a big interest in it. But the top three headlines underneath suggest there's nothing much going on with the virus, itself.
Same thing for the big top headlines in the middle of the page:
This is part of a larger Fox News pattern. Research by Media Matters found that Fox’s coverage of the pandemic has steadily declined over the past month. From the study:
Even when discussing coronavirus-related topics, Fox has largely moved away from highlighting the science and medical concerns related to the pandemic in favor of focusing on the efforts to reopen the economy. The network oftentimes focuses on stories such as that of salon owner Shelley Luther from Dallas, Texas, who chose to go to jail rather than apologize and pay a fine for violating stay-at-home guidelines. Fox devoted nearly three hours of coverage to Luther’s story over a three-and-a-half-day period. Similarly, the network jumped at covering reopen protests, promoting them, praising them, and devoting six hours of coverage to the protests in an eight-day period.
Indeed, the first story on the website about the pandemic, other than Trump's saber rattling toward China over it (seen in the top graphic above) is titled “CRUEL CUT: Barber defying Whitmer’s coronavirus shutdown has license stripped.”
Fox News priorities on display again.
(Trump caricature by DonkeyHotey, via Creative Commons license)
My head hurt really bad when I actually heard him present that “theory”.
OT: The Lancet has an editorial begging the USA to make sure that the next President be someone who actually understands that science can help address public health issues.
Still, as Led Zeppelin sang, “The Song Remains The Same”. Though Leg Zeppelin’s fantasy is harmless to that of mentally ill Trump and his Fox News hype factory.
My kind of music… 🥰