Fox News did real-time damage control on Dr. Rick Bright’s Congressional testimony by cutting away from it and airing White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s attqck on him.
Dr. Bright provided some very damning testimony before a House health subcommittee today about the U.S. response to and preparedness for the coronavirus pandemic. Rather than air it, Fox News’ “straight news” show, America's Newsroom, trotted out McEnany to attack Bright.
You don’t even need to watch the video of McEnany’s interview to get the picture. helpfully titled it, “Kayleigh McEnany blasts Dr. Bright comments on pandemic: He hasn’t been paying attention at all.”
But first, “straight news” anchors Sandra Smith and Ed Henry demonstrated again that Trump-friendly messaging is more important than the life and death issues of the pandemic. They spent almost the first four minutes of the interview discussing Michael Flynn, part of the Trump/Barr/Fox efforts to delegitimize the Russia investigation and paint the Obama/Biden administration as criminals.
You can see that Henry interrupted McEnany to show some of the hearing but that testimony was left out of the online video.
Instead, we got McEnany’s “reaction.” That resulted in a lengthy rant from McEnany without any challenge or pushback from the anchors. Instead, they changed the subject.
A box on the lower right of the screen told viewers they could watch the Bright hearing online.
You can watch Fox priorities below, from the May 14, 2020 America's Newsroom.